oVirt infra daily report - unstable production jobs - 91
by jenkins@jenkins.phx.ovirt.org
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RHEVM CI Jenkins Daily Report - 28/09/2016
</th></tr><tr><th colspan=2 class=sub>
<font color="blue"><a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/">00 Unstable Jobs (Production)</a></font>
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-appliance_master_build-artifacts-el7-x...">ovirt-appliance_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-release_master_build-artifacts-all-x86...">ovirt-release_master_build-artifacts-all-x86_64</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_3.6_he-system-tests/">ovirt_3.6_he-system-tests</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_4.0_image-ng-system-tests/">ovirt_4.0_image-ng-system-tests</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/">ovirt_master_system-tests</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/repos_master_check-closure_fc24_merged/">repos_master_check-closure_fc24_merged</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/vdsm_4.0_check-merged-fc23-x86_64/">vdsm_4.0_check-merged-fc23-x86_64</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
<a href="http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/vdsm_master_check-merged-el7-x86_64/">vdsm_master_check-merged-el7-x86_64</a>
This job is automatically updated by jenkins job builder, any manual
change will be lost in the next update. If you want to make permanent
changes, check out the <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=jenkins.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;h...">
jenkins</a> repo.
<!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
8 years, 6 months
[JIRA] (OVIRT-666) improve jenkins-staging to provide more plugin testing
by eyal edri [Administrator] (oVirt JIRA)
[ https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-666?page=com.atlassian.jira... ]
eyal edri [Administrator] reassigned OVIRT-666:
Assignee: Evgheni Dereveanchin (was: infra)
> improve jenkins-staging to provide more plugin testing
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Key: OVIRT-666
> URL: https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-666
> Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
> Issue Type: Improvement
> Components: Jenkins
> Reporter: Evgheni Dereveanchin
> Assignee: Evgheni Dereveanchin
> Currently the staging Jenkins has no slaves attached and it's hard to test if plugins actually work. We may investigate if it's possible to create test jobs that would utilize the same functionality our live system uses (Jenkins trigger, std CI, etc)
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 6 months
[JIRA] (OVIRT-725) install secondary MX server
by eyal edri [Administrator] (oVirt JIRA)
[ https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-725?page=com.atlassian.jira... ]
eyal edri [Administrator] reassigned OVIRT-725:
Assignee: Marc Dequènes (Duck) (was: infra)
> install secondary MX server
> ---------------------------
> Key: OVIRT-725
> URL: https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-725
> Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
> Issue Type: Task
> Components: Mailing lists (Mailman)
> Reporter: Evgheni Dereveanchin
> Assignee: Marc Dequènes (Duck)
> We currently just have a single MX record and mail server. For better reliability it's a good idea to set up a secondary MX that would act as a relay. This can help during primary MX maintenance as mail will be accumulated on the secondary MX and flushed to the primary once that comes up.
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 6 months
[JIRA] (OVIRT-719) check-patch jobs should check if the patch is still open
by eyal edri [Administrator] (oVirt JIRA)
[ https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-719?page=com.atlassian.jira... ]
eyal edri [Administrator] reassigned OVIRT-719:
Assignee: Gil Shinar (was: infra)
This can help dramatically to reduce number of check-patch jobs...
> check-patch jobs should check if the patch is still open
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Key: OVIRT-719
> URL: https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-719
> Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
> Issue Type: Improvement
> Reporter: eyal edri [Administrator]
> Assignee: Gil Shinar
> We sometimes see multiple check-patch jobs still running while actually the patch for them was already merged.
> This happens when Jenkins queue is too big and the committer merge the patch before the job in CI finish or even starts.
> In the case where the job didn't even start because of long queue, there is not reason to continue running the job if the patch was merged.
> Any post merge logic will be run in check-merged stage and there is no value in adding info on the check-patch to the merged commit.
> It should be easy to check in the beginning of the check-patch job and part of standard CI if the patch that is triggered the job is still open and the job should continue.
> If the patch is merged, then we should abort the job and thus cleaning the queue from check-patch jobs that won't have any value .
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 6 months
[JIRA] (OVIRT-723) check/add support for python3 + dnf on standard CI
by eyal edri [Administrator] (oVirt JIRA)
[ https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-723?page=com.atlassian.jira... ]
eyal edri [Administrator] updated OVIRT-723:
Epic Link: OVIRT-400
> check/add support for python3 + dnf on standard CI
> --------------------------------------------------
> Key: OVIRT-723
> URL: https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-723
> Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
> Issue Type: By-EMAIL
> Reporter: Yedidyah Bar David
> Assignee: infra
> Hi,
> Patch [1] fails jenkins [2] like this:
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates-testing is listed more than
> once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates-testing-debuginfo is listed
> more than once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates is listed more than once in
> the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates-debuginfo is listed more
> than once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository fedora is listed more than once in
> the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository fedora-debuginfo is listed more than
> once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Downloading 1 files, 0.00KB
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Downloading 1 files, 0.00KB
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora', disabling.
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates',
> disabling.
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] Stage: Environment packages setup
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates-testing is listed more than
> once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates-testing-debuginfo is listed
> more than once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates is listed more than once in
> the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository updates-debuginfo is listed more
> than once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository fedora is listed more than once in
> the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Repository fedora-debuginfo is listed more than
> once in the configuration
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Downloading 1 files, 0.00KB
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Downloading 1 files, 0.00KB
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora', disabling.
> 11:35:21 [ INFO ] DNF Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates',
> disabling.
> 11:35:21 [ ERROR ] DNF Cannot queue package 'iproute': no package matched
> 11:35:21 [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment packages
> setup': no package matched
> I suspected, based on the log, that something is broken about dnf
> configuration, so pushed [3] and ran the job again [4] with [3]
> cherry-picked, and it succeeded. I thought that's enough for a
> verification, so asked to merge it, and it was merged. Later on, lago
> tests started breaking [5] with:
> 09:37:44 Error: nothing provides repoman >= 2.0.12 needed by
> python-lago-ovirt-0.24.0-1.fc23.noarch
> So [3] was reverted [6], Currently pending, but I expect it to be merged soon.
> So we need a better solution.
> While investigating this, Nadav partially understood the issue - we have, at
> certain points in mock_runner, both /etc/yum.conf and /etc/yum/yum.conf.
> Not sure why and whether we need both.
> We tried also various variations on this patch in [7][8][9][10], none worked.
> Probably better to fully support dnf instead of this hack, not sure
> what this requires.
> Thanks,
> [1] https://gerrit.ovirt.org/59831
> [2] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/otopi_master_check-patch-fc24-x86_64/44/console
> [3] https://gerrit.ovirt.org/63249
> [4] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/otopi_master_check-patch-fc24-x86_64/46/
> [5] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/lago_master_check-merged-fc23-x86_64/205/con...
> [6] https://gerrit.ovirt.org/63405
> [7] https://gerrit.ovirt.org/63386
> [8] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/lago_master_check-merged-fc23-x86_64/203
> [9] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/lago_master_check-merged-fc23-x86_64/204/
> [10] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/lago_master_check-merged-fc23-x86_64/205/
> --
> Didi
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 6 months
Build failed in Jenkins: ovirt_master_system-tests #583
by jenkins@jenkins.phx.ovirt.org
See <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/583/changes>
[Eyal Edri] remove index.rst file since all the page is using md format
[...truncated 699 lines...]
## took 1408 seconds
## rc = 1
##! ERROR vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
##! Last 20 log enties: logs/mocker-fedora-24-x86_64.fc24.basic_suite_master.sh/basic_suite_master.sh.log
+ true
+ env_cleanup
+ echo '#########################'
+ local res=0
+ local uuid
+ echo '======== Cleaning up'
======== Cleaning up
+ [[ -e <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> ]]
+ echo '----------- Cleaning with lago'
----------- Cleaning with lago
+ lago --workdir <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> destroy --yes --all-prefixes
+ echo '----------- Cleaning with lago done'
----------- Cleaning with lago done
+ [[ 0 != \0 ]]
+ echo '======== Cleanup done'
======== Cleanup done
+ exit 0
Took 1250 seconds
##! ERROR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Performing Post build task...
Match found for :.* : True
Logical operation result is TRUE
Running script : #!/bin/bash -xe
echo 'shell_scripts/system_tests.collect_logs.sh'
# Required jjb vars:
# version
rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/exported-artifacts"
mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/exported-artifacts"
if [[ -d "$TESTS_LOGS" ]]; then
mv "$TESTS_LOGS/"* "$WORKSPACE/exported-artifacts/"
[ovirt_master_system-tests] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/hudson2742687713671052412.sh
+ echo shell_scripts/system_tests.collect_logs.sh
+ VERSION=master
+ WORKSPACE=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/>
+ OVIRT_SUITE=master
+ TESTS_LOGS=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...>
+ rm -rf <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/583/artifact/expor...>
+ mkdir -p <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/583/artifact/expor...>
+ [[ -d <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> ]]
+ mv <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/583/artifact/expor...>
Match found for :.* : True
Logical operation result is TRUE
Running script : #!/bin/bash -xe
echo "shell-scripts/mock_cleanup.sh"
shopt -s nullglob
# Make clear this is the cleanup, helps reading the jenkins logs
cat <<EOC
# #
# #
# Archive the logs, we want them anyway
if [[ "$logs" ]]; then
tar cvzf exported-artifacts/logs.tgz "${logs[@]}"
rm -rf "${logs[@]}"
# stop any processes running inside the chroot
# Clean current jobs mockroot if any
for mock_conf_file in "${mock_confs[@]}"; do
[[ "$mock_conf_file" ]] || continue
echo "Cleaning up mock $mock_conf"
my_mock+=" --configdir=${mock_conf_file%/*}"
my_mock+=" --root=${mock_root}"
my_mock+=" --resultdir=$WORKSPACE"
#TODO: investigate why mock --clean fails to umount certain dirs sometimes,
#so we can use it instead of manually doing all this.
echo "Killing all mock orphan processes, if any."
$my_mock \
--orphanskill \
|| {
echo "ERROR: Failed to kill orphans on $chroot."
grep \
-Po "(?<=config_opts\['root'\] = ')[^']*" \
"$mock_conf_file" \
)" || :
[[ "$mock_root" ]] || continue
mounts=($(mount | awk '{print $3}' | grep "$mock_root")) || :
if [[ "$mounts" ]]; then
echo "Found mounted dirs inside the chroot $chroot. Trying to umount."
for mount in "${mounts[@]}"; do
sudo umount --lazy "$mount" \
|| {
echo "ERROR: Failed to umount $mount."
# Clean any leftover chroot from other jobs
for mock_root in /var/lib/mock/*; do
mounts=($(mount | awk '{print $3}' | grep "$mock_root")) || :
if [[ "$mounts" ]]; then
echo "Found mounted dirs inside the chroot $mock_root." \
"Trying to umount."
for mount in "${mounts[@]}"; do
sudo umount --lazy "$mount" \
|| {
echo "ERROR: Failed to umount $mount."
if ! $this_chroot_failed; then
sudo rm -rf "$mock_root"
if $failed; then
echo "Aborting."
exit 1
# remove mock system cache, we will setup proxies to do the caching and this
# takes lots of space between runs
shopt -u nullglob
sudo rm -Rf /var/cache/mock/*
# restore the permissions in the working dir, as sometimes it leaves files
# owned by root and then the 'cleanup workspace' from jenkins job fails to
# clean and breaks the jobs
sudo chown -R "$USER" "$WORKSPACE"
[ovirt_master_system-tests] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/hudson3348693055874032108.sh
+ echo shell-scripts/mock_cleanup.sh
+ shopt -s nullglob
+ WORKSPACE=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/>
+ cat
# #
# #
+ logs=(./*log ./*/logs)
+ [[ -n ./ovirt-system-tests/logs ]]
+ tar cvzf exported-artifacts/logs.tgz ./ovirt-system-tests/logs
+ rm -rf ./ovirt-system-tests/logs
+ failed=false
+ mock_confs=("$WORKSPACE"/*/mocker*)
+ for mock_conf_file in '"${mock_confs[@]}"'
+ [[ -n <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...> ]]
+ echo 'Cleaning up mock '
Cleaning up mock
+ mock_root=mocker-fedora-24-x86_64.fc24.cfg
+ mock_root=mocker-fedora-24-x86_64.fc24
+ my_mock=/usr/bin/mock
+ my_mock+=' --configdir=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-tests'>
+ my_mock+=' --root=mocker-fedora-24-x86_64.fc24'
+ my_mock+=' --resultdir=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/'>
+ echo 'Killing all mock orphan processes, if any.'
Killing all mock orphan processes, if any.
+ /usr/bin/mock --configdir=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-tests> --root=mocker-fedora-24-x86_64.fc24 --resultdir=<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/> --orphanskill
WARNING: Could not find required logging config file: <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te....> Using default...
INFO: mock.py version 1.2.17 starting (python version = 3.4.3)...
Start: init plugins
INFO: selinux enabled
Finish: init plugins
Start: run
Finish: run
++ grep -Po '(?<=config_opts\['\''root'\''\] = '\'')[^'\'']*' <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/ovirt-system-te...>
+ mock_root=fedora-24-x86_64-4ddbe48c8f8b7d8c2c3635b52313f04a
+ [[ -n fedora-24-x86_64-4ddbe48c8f8b7d8c2c3635b52313f04a ]]
+ mounts=($(mount | awk '{print $3}' | grep "$mock_root"))
++ mount
++ awk '{print $3}'
++ grep fedora-24-x86_64-4ddbe48c8f8b7d8c2c3635b52313f04a
+ :
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ false
+ shopt -u nullglob
+ sudo rm -Rf /var/cache/mock/fedora-24-x86_64-4ddbe48c8f8b7d8c2c3635b52313f04a
+ sudo chown -R jenkins <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_system-tests/ws/>
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts
8 years, 6 months