On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 08:00:28AM -0800, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
Action Items, by person
* ewoud
* ewoud to reply to existing thread "Moving Jenkins to Alter Way
Hosting" with details about the networking needs
There's some life in the discussion again.
* ewoud to build a POC for playing around with Foreman
I've set up
https://foreman.ekohl.nl/ and documented some things[1] on
but it's missing quite a few things. First off all I still need to set
up DNS and DHCP. Also the provisioning templates are just the defaults
which imho are too bloated. Lastly I also want to work on the puppet
modules I started to write[2].
Later this evening I'm going to set up DHCP and DNS; see if I can set up
some VMs to play with.
Please do poke me on IRC if you want an account for foreman and/or the