Since you were thinking about using Terraform I was currous if NS
updates were supported and they are:
This means you can create a subzone of
ovirt.org and delegate the full
subzone or specific RRs. Then if you wish certain entries accessible
ovirt.org directly we can simply add CNAMEs.
This is an alternative to using freipa's DNS management. The doc does
not do into fulld etails but it's "basic DNS management" which probably
means not all RR types are supported.
I guess one question is how do you wish the main zone to be managed. I
like to be able to manage the zone file by myself with comments and use
subzones for automation but freeipa or DNS providers can do it all for
you and provide an API too (with the same RR types limitation though, so
it depends what kind of data you wish to put into it).
I guess that's why RH decided to use
IPA.REDHAT.COM instead of
REDHAT.COM, freeipa can manage its own DNS entries (SRV…) for the
provided services but you can still manage your main zone the way you
want (for specific or historical reasons). I guess the domain to use for
freeipa is also something to consider.