I am running a jenkins job that generates a nightly ovirt live iso based on the nightly
rpm repository
currently it's throwing me
Error creating Live CD : Failed to build transaction :
vdsm-4.12.0-166.git57218c4.el6.x86_64 requires selinux-policy-targeted >= 3.7.19-213
the list of repositories I am using is as following:
repo --name=base
repo --name=updates
repo --name=epel
repo --name=epel-testing --baseurl=http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/testing/6/x86_64/
repo --name=ovirt --baseurl=http://resources.ovirt.org/releases/3.3/rpm/EL/6/
repo --name=gluster
repo --name=glusternoarch
am I missing something?
some experimental repository that should be added in order for the nightlies to be
installable on centos?