On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 04:50:44PM -0500, R P Herrold wrote:
I had built a 'herrold.pp' in my local git CO, but forget
I need to do to get it applied, and my google fu on the ovirt
site fails me[herrold@centos-6 ovirt]$ cat \
# The user for Russ Herrold
class ovirt_infra::user::herrold($password = undef) {
ovirt_infra::user {'herrold':
key => 'ssh-rsa
password => $password,
I assume there is a way I can leverage one of my ovirt
credentials to get it 'reviewed' and committed -- possibly get
seek a gerrit review of it?
Please remind me if you could. Thanks
Sorry for the late response. We have a gerrit repository called
infra-puppet. In my experience it works best to use git-review (packaged
in Fedora and EPEL). It pretty much boils down to committing and running
Looking at the directory structure, I think you are on an old git
version. We moved from master to production and moved it a bit. It
should now live in site/ovirt_infra/manifests/user/herrold.pp. Then:
git add site/ovirt_infra/manifests/user/herrold.pp
git commit
git review
It may prompt you for a username if you have no remote named gerrit with
the SSH push URL yet. Please poke me if you need more help.