We haven't yet heard from some members of the Infra team - Eyal, Ofer,
Itamar and Mike - it would be nice to hear from them, but it's looking
like Kiril has support at this point.
Kiril, are you happy to take the job?
On 07/16/2013 07:02 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
eedri (maintainer)
ekohl (maintainer)
iheim (maintainer)
mburns (maintainer)
oschreib (maintainer)
quaid (maintainer)
rmiddle (maintainer) - inactive
dcaro (apprentice)
dneary (apprentice)
knesenko (apprentice)
rydekull (apprentice)
I have spoken to several of the team, and I would like to propose Kiril
Nesenko graduate from apprentice to maintainer based on his activity in
recent months[...]
Proposals? Comments? +1s for my nomination of Kiril?
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13