There is not a maven/artifactory repo cartridge currently, but this may
be possible in a DIY.
Also, it's possible via an action_hook to manually install artifacts
into an OpenShift application's .m2 repository. A user may add whatever
repositories they like to the application's pom file and as long as the
repo is accessible from OpenShift.
I'm available to assist with setting this up in a DIY. I think that's a
good first step towards a cartridge.
Thanks -Bill
On 11/20/12 9:02 PM, Matt Hicks wrote:
On 11/20/2012 11:24 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 11/20/2012 04:40 PM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Following the discussion at arch[1], I would like to create two
>> repositories:
>> - otopi
>> - ovirt-host-deploy
>> Please assign me as maintainer.
> I'll wait a day for any comments.
>> I also need to publish maven artifacts, I don't think we have
>> existing components now, what is required is some webdav root to put
>> maven layout. Any other suggestion will be nice!
> since we are already planning to use openshift for some infra
> services, i wonder if openshift has an artifactory cartdrige or
> something like that to easly get a maven repo?
> matt - anything like that in openshift?
> thanks,
> Itamar
Nothing yet but it sure would be a nice cartridge / quickstart to have
if you guys are interested in contributing it! If you guys are
interested in trying to tackle that, Bill and Krishna (copied) can
help with any mentoring and getting you started.
Bill DeCoste
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat