Suggestion how to enable caching
by Fabian Deutsch
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I used squid to improve the build speed of images.
I think the minimal, easy to maintain and valuable solution is this simple config:
1. Setup squid on builders (default install on Fedora)
2. Add the following lines to the /etc/squid.conf
# Increase maximum size of cached objects and specify the cache_dir
maximum_object_size 5 GB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 20000 16 256
3. Enable and start squid service
The service will only listen to connections from local networks, and will not proxy connections from public addresses.
The usage then is as follows:
Export http_proxy= and all curl instances will pick up the proxy.
Similar parameters exist for other tools like the livemedia-creator too.
I am not familiar with writing a puppet class for this. But at least it is quite self contained.
10 years, 2 months
Re: proposing Alexander Wels as an ovirt-engine UI maintainer
by Vojtech Szocs
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Einav Cohen" <ecohen(a)>
> To: "Tal Nisan" <tnisan(a)>, "Gilad Chaplik" <gchaplik(a)>, "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs(a)>,
> "Kanagaraj" <kmayilsa(a)>, "Daniel Erez" <derez(a)>, "Tomas Jelinek" <tjelinek(a)>, "Lior
> Vernia" <lvernia(a)>
> Cc: infra(a), "engine-devel" <engine-devel(a)>, "Alexander Wels" <awels(a)>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 4:39:09 PM
> Subject: proposing Alexander Wels as an ovirt-engine UI maintainer
> Hello UI Maintainers,
> I would like to propose Alexander Wels as an ovirt-engine UI maintainer.
> Alexander started his ovirt involvement more than a year ago,
> contributing over 100 patches (to 'master' alone), including the
> branding mechanism, Frontend refactoring (cleanup, unit-tests, requests
> retry mechanism, requests-aggregation mechanism), cross-GUI refresh
> synchronization and low-resolutions support.
> Your response would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> ----
> Regards,
> Einav
10 years, 2 months
Proposing Yedidyah Bar David as oVirt Hosted Engine Setup maintainer
by Sandro Bonazzola
I would like to propose Yedidyah Bar David as oVirt Hosted Engine Setup co-maintainer.
Yedidyah contributed to oVirt Hosted Engine Setup since early design phase and contributed dozens of patches.
Your response would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Sandro Bonazzola
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10 years, 2 months
Proposing Liron Aravot as an engine-core maintainer
by Tal Nisan
Hi core maintainers,
I would like to propose Liron Aravot as an engine-core maintainer.
Liron joined the oVirt project on June 2012, and has since contributed
over 170 patches to master (not counting backports to various stable
He has been instrumental in implementing oVirt's Backup API for external
providers, and has a been a driving force in improving flows regarding
SPM election and master domain reconstruction, handling OVF backups and
various concurrency issues both as a coder and a reviewer.
Your response would be appreciated.
10 years, 2 months
proposing Arik Hadas as a maintainer of engine core
by Michal Skrivanek
Dear engine-core maintainers,
I'd like to propose Arik Hadas as a maintainer of oVirt engine backend
Since he started with oVirt project in October 2012 he was working in various areas in engine core, demonstrated his abilities with more than 200 patches merged to engine master alone. Tons of migration related fixes, refactoring of legacy code, but also new complex features including complementary patches in UI, REST and VDSM code (e.g. Live Snapshots with RAM, locking improvements for VM&Template operations)
Thanks in advance for your response.
10 years, 2 months
Moving the wiki
by Barak Korren
There has been some talk recently about moving the wiki to a dedicated VM in the PHX data-center.
I would like to open this up to some discussion.
Here is the current situation as far as I could gather, more info and comment are welcome.
What do we have now
MediaWiki (Which version? eedri told me its a rather old one)
PHP (Which version?)
MySQL 5.1
All running in a single (?) 'large' OpenShift gear.
Our OpenShift account is classified as 'silver' (is it?) thereby granting us gears with 6GB storage instead
of 1GB)
Why do we want to migrate?
We occasionally have a problem where the site goes down. This seems to be caused by one of:
1. The OpenShift gear runs out of space
2. The MySQL DB gets stuck with no errors in the logs (Does restarting it resolve it?)
Why not to migrate?
1. Migrating the wiki to PHX VM will make the infra team have to manage the wiki hosting infrastructure.
While one may claim that this is not complicated and that this work needs to also be done when the wiki
is hosted on OpenShift, there are still many things that the OpenShift maintainers do for us such as:
- Keeping the webservers updated
- Managing selinux
- Enablign automatic scale-up
2. There are security concerns with having a public-facing (outdated?) PHP application running on a VM in
the same network where our build and CI servers run. (I might be too paranoid here, having had one of my
own sites defaced recently, but OpenShift makes it easy to create a new gear and git push the code to
get back up and running, with our own VM, forensics and cleanup might be more complicated)
Known infra issues with existing configuration
1. The MySQL DB was setup without 'innodb_file_per_table' turned on, this can impact DB performance. To
resolve this, one need to dump and import the entire DB.
Things we can try (Besides migrating)
1. Place behind a caching reverse-proxy CDN like cloudflare, that can mask some of our downtime.
2. Dump and import the DB to rebuild and optimize the DB files
3. Rebuild the wiki in a new gear to get rid of possibly accumulating cruft
4. Upgrade the MySQL to 5.5 (Or whatever latest supported by OpenShift)
5. Upgrade MediaWiki
6. Add a redundant MySQL/Wiki server using MySQL replication
7. Trim the wiki history (AFAIK MediaWiki saves every edit ever, but one can maybe use export/import to get
rid of some)
8. Try to come up with a way to spread the Wiki across multiple OpenShift gears
9. Tune DB parameters (is it possible to do on OpenShift?)
I eagerly await your comments,
10 years, 4 months