oVirt Wiki: Account request not working
by Milan Zamazal
When I fill in the form on http://www.ovirt.org/Special:RequestAccount and press "Request account", the page displays the following error after a while:
Error sending mail:
Failed to connect to resources.ovirt.org:25 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out (code: -1, response: )]
This happened both yesterday and today. Could someone fix it, please?
BTW, the "Terms of Service" links there are still invalid.
9 years, 4 months
Logwatch for linode01.ovirt.org (Linux)
by logwatch@lists.ovirt.org
################### Logwatch 7.3.6 (05/19/07) ####################
Processing Initiated: Wed Nov 11 03:11:22 2015
Date Range Processed: yesterday
( 2015-Nov-10 )
Period is day.
Detail Level of Output: 0
Type of Output: unformatted
Logfiles for Host: linode01.ovirt.org
--------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------
Requests with error response codes
404 Not Found
/: 576 Time(s)
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---------------------- httpd End -------------------------
--------------------- Postfix Begin ------------------------
351 *Warning: Pre-queue content-filter connection overload
87 Miscellaneous warnings
22.940M Bytes accepted 24,054,474
336.974M Bytes delivered 353,343,032
======== ================================================
1810 Accepted 81.86%
401 Rejected 18.14%
-------- ------------------------------------------------
2211 Total 100.00%
======== ================================================
12 Reject HELO/EHLO 2.99%
389 Reject unknown user 97.01%
-------- ------------------------------------------------
401 Total Rejects 100.00%
======== ================================================
715 4xx Reject recipient address 89.38%
85 4xx Reject sender address 10.62%
-------- ------------------------------------------------
800 Total 4xx Rejects 100.00%
======== ================================================
2452 Connections made
80 Connections lost
2452 Disconnections
1791 Removed from queue
1054 Delivered
29552 Sent via SMTP
1 Forwarded
42 Deferred
319 Deferrals
3 Bounce (local)
110 Bounce (remote)
68 DSNs undeliverable
378 Connection failure (outbound)
12 Timeout (inbound)
287 Hostname verification errors
167 Enabled PIX workaround
**Unmatched Entries**
1 Nov 10 10:40:41 linode01 postfix/smtp[17723]: B8144C76F: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 17:16:49 linode01 postfix/smtp[28074]: SSL_connect error to tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 11:01:40 linode01 postfix/smtp[18497]: 91E2EC5A9: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:52:37 linode01 postfix/smtp[18290]: F37A8C6BC: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 17:18:29 linode01 postfix/smtp[28109]: BC3CBC77C: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:40:41 linode01 postfix/smtp[17723]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:36:05 linode01 postfix/smtp[5581]: D914BC754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 02:45:12 linode01 postfix/smtp[4016]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 06:36:43 linode01 postfix/smtp[11048]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 04:21:45 linode01 postfix/smtp[7700]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 12:06:57 linode01 postfix/smtp[20666]: 01188C5BC: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 02:02:30 linode01 postfix/smtp[2895]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 02:02:30 linode01 postfix/smtp[2895]: 86199C754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 13:53:23 linode01 postfix/smtp[23334]: BE7D9C71B: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 18:02:50 linode01 postfix/smtp[29047]: C8AE6C777: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 20:36:59 linode01 postfix/smtp[32373]: 3CB09C77E: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 04:55:15 linode01 postfix/smtp[8621]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 07:03:31 linode01 postfix/smtp[11823]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 12:06:57 linode01 postfix/smtp[20666]: SSL_connect error to tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 08:11:18 linode01 postfix/smtp[13800]: EFB4BC768: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 03:15:18 linode01 postfix/smtp[4751]: A1CF7C754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:15:52 linode01 postfix/smtp[16833]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:26:30 linode01 postfix/smtp[5236]: 19F24C757: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 06:36:43 linode01 postfix/smtp[11048]: 5F383C758: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 20:36:59 linode01 postfix/smtp[32373]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 13:53:23 linode01 postfix/smtp[23334]: SSL_connect error to tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 02:10:41 linode01 postfix/smtp[3110]: 4759DC754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:23:05 linode01 postfix/smtp[17348]: 39EA5C72D: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:41:48 linode01 postfix/smtp[17655]: DBB4DC77B: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 03:45:20 linode01 postfix/smtp[5853]: F180CC754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 18:02:50 linode01 postfix/smtp[29047]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 07:21:11 linode01 postfix/smtp[12491]: AEC4DC72D: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 04:21:45 linode01 postfix/smtp[7700]: DD2C5C74B: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:41:48 linode01 postfix/smtp[17655]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:39:33 linode01 postfix/smtp[5742]: 62551C754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 04:54:34 linode01 postfix/smtp[8627]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 17:18:29 linode01 postfix/smtp[28109]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 17:16:49 linode01 postfix/smtp[28074]: 93904C6DB: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 03:24:52 linode01 postfix/smtp[5301]: 8814EC754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 03:24:52 linode01 postfix/smtp[5301]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 02:17:31 linode01 postfix/smtp[3557]: 5F74EC755: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 02:02:54 linode01 postfix/smtp[2839]: 7A68BC75C: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:04:55 linode01 postfix/smtp[16580]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 02:45:12 linode01 postfix/smtp[4016]: D96DBC754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 07:03:31 linode01 postfix/smtp[11823]: 57EC3C75C: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 03:15:18 linode01 postfix/smtp[4751]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 04:55:15 linode01 postfix/smtp[8621]: C6F40C76A: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 02:10:41 linode01 postfix/smtp[3110]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 11:46:41 linode01 postfix/smtp[20265]: D3B13C6C6: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 02:02:54 linode01 postfix/smtp[2839]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 10:04:55 linode01 postfix/smtp[16580]: 69D53C76C: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 07:21:11 linode01 postfix/smtp[12491]: SSL_connect error to tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:39:33 linode01 postfix/smtp[5742]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 04:54:34 linode01 postfix/smtp[8627]: EE66AC754: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 11:01:40 linode01 postfix/smtp[18497]: SSL_connect error to tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 10:15:52 linode01 postfix/smtp[16833]: 7C4C5C76E: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 10:23:05 linode01 postfix/smtp[17348]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 02:17:31 linode01 postfix/smtp[3557]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 10:45:40 linode01 postfix/smtp[17701]: ACA44C6C6: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 18:29:02 linode01 postfix/smtp[29709]: 34A18C753: Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
1 Nov 10 18:29:02 linode01 postfix/smtp[29709]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:26:30 linode01 postfix/smtp[5236]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 11:46:41 linode01 postfix/smtp[20265]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 10:52:37 linode01 postfix/smtp[18290]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:45:20 linode01 postfix/smtp[5853]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 10:45:40 linode01 postfix/smtp[17701]: SSL_connect error to smtp.mcon-group.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 03:36:05 linode01 postfix/smtp[5581]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
1 Nov 10 08:11:18 linode01 postfix/smtp[13800]: SSL_connect error to mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
---------------------- Postfix End -------------------------
--------------------- SSHD Begin ------------------------
Users logging in through sshd:
eedri: (nat-pool-tlv-t.redhat.com): 1 time
mirror: 13 times
sbonazzo: (host233-125-dynamic.116-80-r.retail.telecomitalia.it): 1 time
Received disconnect:
11: : 22 Time(s)
11: Bye Bye : 426 Time(s)
11: Normal Shutdown, Thank you for playing : 1 Time(s)
11: disconnected by user : 15 Time(s)
3: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail : 14 Time(s)
3: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey: : 1 Time(s)
**Unmatched Entries**
reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for server.remediosnaturais.info [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! : 9 time(s)
Address maps to mail.plunkett-gibson.com, but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! : 1 time(s)
reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for ds0885-01-p.solidseodedicated.com [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! : 3 time(s)
---------------------- SSHD End -------------------------
--------------------- Sudo (secure-log) Begin ------------------------
nrpe => root
/sbin/service - 288 Times.
---------------------- Sudo (secure-log) End -------------------------
--------------------- Disk Space Begin ------------------------
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda 97G 70G 27G 73% /
---------------------- Disk Space End -------------------------
###################### Logwatch End #########################
9 years, 4 months
Build failed in Jenkins: ovirt_master_publish-rpms_nightly #213
by jenkins@ovirt.org
See <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_publish-rpms_nightly/213/>
Started by user Sandro Bonazzola
Building on master in workspace <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_publish-rpms_nightly/ws/>
Deleting project workspace... [ovirt_master_publish-rpms_nightly] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/hudson6904319116718661175.sh
+ rm -rf <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_publish-rpms_nightly/ws/artifacts>
+ mkdir <http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_master_publish-rpms_nightly/ws/artifacts>
Copied 14 artifacts from "ovirt-host-deploy_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 46
Copied 14 artifacts from "ovirt-host-deploy_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 32
Copied 14 artifacts from "ovirt-host-deploy_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 2
Copied 14 artifacts from "ovirt-host-deploy_master_create-rpms-fc21-x86_64_merged" build number 46
Copied 11 artifacts from "otopi_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 33
Copied 11 artifacts from "otopi_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 31
Copied 11 artifacts from "otopi_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 1
Copied 11 artifacts from "otopi_master_create-rpms-fc21-x86_64_merged" build number 30
Copied 7 artifacts from "ovirt-vmconsole_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 24
Copied 7 artifacts from "ovirt-vmconsole_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 24
Copied 10 artifacts from "ovirt-vmconsole_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 1
Copied 7 artifacts from "ovirt-vmconsole_master_create-rpms-fc21-x86_64_merged" build number 24
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-iso-uploader_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 12
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-iso-uploader_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 6
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-iso-uploader_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 2
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-log-collector_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 26
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-log-collector_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 13
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-log-collector_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 2
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-cli_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 7
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-cli_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 8
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-cli_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 1
Copied 9 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 128
Copied 9 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 78
Copied 9 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 2
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-misc_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 17
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-misc_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 10
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-misc_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 3
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-logger-log4j_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 15
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-logger-log4j_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 8
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-logger-log4j_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 1
Copied 9 artifacts from "ovirt-dwh_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 22
Copied 9 artifacts from "ovirt-dwh_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 21
Copied 9 artifacts from "ovirt-dwh_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 1
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-jdbc_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 57
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-jdbc_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 56
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-jdbc_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 3
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-setup-lib_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 10
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-setup-lib_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 12
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-setup-lib_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 1
Copied 9 artifacts from "vdsm-jsonrpc-java_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 47
Copied 9 artifacts from "vdsm-jsonrpc-java_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 28
Copied 9 artifacts from "vdsm-jsonrpc-java_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 2
Copied 25 artifacts from "ovirt-engine_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 543
Copied 25 artifacts from "ovirt-engine_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 535
Copied 25 artifacts from "ovirt-engine_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 7
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-sdk_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 25
Copied 5 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-sdk_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 25
Copied 5 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-sdk_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 1
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-sdk-java_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 46
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-sdk-java_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 23
Copied 8 artifacts from "ovirt-engine-sdk-java_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 1
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-image-uploader_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 9
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-image-uploader_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 9
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-image-uploader_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 2
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-scheduler-proxy_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 2
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-scheduler-proxy_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 2
Copied 4 artifacts from "ovirt-scheduler-proxy_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 2
Copied 6 artifacts from "ovirt-optimizer_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 4
Copied 7 artifacts from "ovirt-optimizer_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 6
Copied 7 artifacts from "ovirt-optimizer_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 6
Copied 5 artifacts from "ovirt-jboss-modules-maven-plugin_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64" build number 6
Copied 5 artifacts from "ovirt-jboss-modules-maven-plugin_master_build-artifacts-fc22-x86_64" build number 7
Copied 5 artifacts from "ovirt-jboss-modules-maven-plugin_master_build-artifacts-fc23-x86_64" build number 2
Copied 9 artifacts from "ioprocess_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 67
Copied 9 artifacts from "ioprocess_master_create-rpms-fc21-x86_64_merged" build number 30
Copied 9 artifacts from "ioprocess_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 18
Copied 9 artifacts from "ioprocess_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 1
Copied 8 artifacts from "mom_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 43
Copied 8 artifacts from "mom_master_create-rpms-fc21-x86_64_merged" build number 42
Copied 8 artifacts from "mom_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 23
Copied 8 artifacts from "mom_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged" build number 2
Copied 50 artifacts from "vdsm_master_create-rpms-el7-x86_64_merged" build number 1871
Copied 50 artifacts from "vdsm_master_create-rpms-fc21-x86_64_merged" build number 1796
Copied 50 artifacts from "vdsm_master_create-rpms-fc22-x86_64_merged" build number 990
ERROR: Unable to find project for artifact copy: vdsm_master_create-rpms-fc23-x86_64_merged
This may be due to incorrect project name or permission settings; see help for project name in job configuration.
9 years, 4 months