PHX updates - hypervisors in Jenkins datacenter
by Evgheni Dereveanchin
Hi all,
As part of the upgrade process to 3.6 I will be rebuilding
all hypervisors to CentOS7, and I'm starting with the Jenkins
Datacenter. For this, I am evacuating slave VMs by shutting
them down and restarting in the new cluster with CentOS hosts.
I'm currently working on ovirt-srv04 so please don't schedule
any VMs on that host until it's rebuilt.
I found several VMs running on that host which are not listed
on Jenkins so I can't mark them offline there for the update period:
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If anyone knows what these VMs are used for - please tell me,
otherwise I will just restart them as well.
Also this VM is present on this hypervisor:
Is it used by the slaves? Can it be shut down for a few minutes?
I'm not sure I will be able to live migrate it even as the F20
hosts we have in the old cluster have issues with live migration
even to other F20 hosts.
Evgheni Dereveanchin
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8 years, 8 months