Kiril Nesenko wrote:
> Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 02:40:02AM -0400, Kiril Nesenko wrote:
> > > * Storage for - make no sense that VM stores RPMs
> > > on it. Much better to use a VM with a small HD and use external
> > > storage for storing RPMs.
> >
> > I don't quite understand this. I get that you'd want different
> > partitions, but why external storage? Whether the host manages this or
> > the guest, does it really make a difference?
> >
> > When we get our environment up, I'd like to look into setting up mirrors
> > where people/orgs can sponsor some mirror so becomes
> > less important anyway. yum has a nice mirrorlist feature and I'm sure we
> > can work something out.
> I am not sure on which servers is running right now, but
> I would
> like to run our infra on our servers. For this purpose its better to create a
> VMs with a small HD and use ext. storage
> to save RPMs on it.
Just something we heard of on last jenkins conference -
might worth checking as a replacement for ovirt rpms repository.
it has REST API [1], so we might be able to publish rpms from jenkins directly to it.
It certainly looks interesting. I was thinking that you probably want
GPG signed packages, but currently we don't have that either so it
doesn't have to be a blocker.