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On 01/04/2013 07:23 AM, Mike Burns wrote:
On Thu, 2013-01-03 at 16:14 -0500, Eyal Edri wrote:
> Yes. please send me the call details when you have them.
> I believe those servers can be used for:
> 1. one or more server to be used as hypervisor to run jenkins slave vm=
multiple os's
> 2. one physical server to be used for automatic testing of ovirt
ng host,etc...)
What about backups? Can we host that somewhere there? or do we have
somewhere else for storing backups?
Right, this is part of the still-open discussion of how we want to use
all the new hosts.
I wasn't aware it was valuable to have a bare metal host for automatic
testing, but that's not a problem. Could we potentially host VMs on that
host, or does it need to be able to be stripped and replaced completely
each time.
For backup, I had been thinking of something like this:
* Run Gluster at each site so the storage pool is only pulling from the
LAN (or localhost.)
* Use some type of Gluster mirroring so that each location contains a
backup of the other location.
Anyway, I haven't checked with Glustexperts yet on that scheme, but I
think the basic idea is workable.
In this scenario, one physical host would have 6 to 12 VMs. One VM could
be dedicated to all sorts of cronjobs and batchwork - copying built RPMs
from one location to another, backing up files and databases, etc. This
host could be entirely on the private VLAN, connecting to external hosts
with ssh (scp, rsync, tunneling, Ansible, Puppet, whatever) or a VPN.
- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth .^\
@quaid ( \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
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