> Replication cache expiration time in minutes
> If one of the server supports replication events, these events are cached in memory
because they can be received before the build is triggered and this plugin gets called to
evaluate if the build can run. Cache allows the plugin to look if the replication events
were already received when it gets called to evaluate if the build can run. If the time
elapsed between this plugin gets called and the time the build entered the queue is
greated than the cache expiration time, the plugin will assume that replication events
were received and will let the build run.
> Changing this value will only take effect when Jenkins is restarted
And from the specific server options:
Block builds in the queue until the replication events for the configured Gerrit slave(s)
are received.
Hmm, this means we must use Gerrit replication rather then simple 'git
pull' based mirroring.