Hello. I'm trying to deploy the metrics store and the ansible run fails at "TASK [/usr/share/ansible/roles/oVirt.metrics/roles/oVirt.origin-on-ovirt : Collect oVirt VM facts]"
I've tried adding the -vvv and ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1, but that isn't giving me any additional information on why it is failing.
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"attempts": 5,
"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result",
"changed": false
When I edit the playbook and set no_log: true, the output is shown, but the resulting log shows that the "ansible_facts.ovirt_vms[0].fqdn" dictionary key does not exist.
What is the best way to work around this issue?
Thanks, Greg