Affinity Labels in 4.4
by Alan G
Can anyone explain how affinity labels work in 4.4?
I created a label containing a host and a VM. I had assumed that would require the VM to run on that host, but the VM continues to run on any host in the cluster.
I then checked the 4.4 documentation and it says that I need the filters module section of scheduling policy to contain Label, but there's doesn't appear to be a filter called Label.
Am I missing something?
1 year
Failed to login: PKIX path validation failed: validity check failed
Hi community,
We're encountering the following error when attempting to log in:
Warning alert: PKIX path validation failed: validity check failed
The certificate is valid until 2027:
[root@engine9 certs]# openssl x509 -subject -noout -dates -in engine.cer
subject=C = US, O =, CN =
notBefore=Sep 25 10:18:03 2022 GMT
notAfter=Sep 27 10:18:03 2027 GMT
It's worth noting that our time zone recently switched to GMT+1. Could this change be related to the issue?
Has anyone else experienced this problem, and if so, how was it resolved?
Thank you.
1 year