vm disk stuck on "paused by system"
by andreas_nikiforou@hotmail.com
i was working on my own backup application (web front end for ovirtsdk) and i somehow managed to get my Vm disks, stuck on status: "paused by system".
I have tried to stop the backup and finalize the backup manually, but nothing works.
ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Cannot backup VM: Disk is locked. Please try again later.]". HTTP response code is 409.
ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Cannot stop VM backup. There is an active image transfer for VM backup]". HTTP response code is 409.
The API is showing that a backup exists and is in state: <phase>ready</phase>, the backup cannot be transferd.
I i try and take a full new backup of the VM, all i get is more snapshots stuck on "paused by system" i cannot delete the VM or the disk.
Using lastest version of oVirt Software Version:4.5.4-1.el8