hi guys,I met a problem while creating "New Domain" iso/nfs
storage,it prints "Error while executing action New NFS Storage
Domain: Storage domain remote path not mounted" and the error code
is 477.anyone can give some hits?
I followed the "
http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_NFS_Storage_Issues " and
find that the vdsm user can't now use mount."mount: only root can do
User vdsm doesn't perform mount so this is ok.
Problem is that any issue with mount always has the same exit code.
Please attach vdsm.log.
Also, you can su into root and try mounting manually to see what's going on.
You can look in vdsm.log to find the failed mount command and run the same command as
the version I use:
oVirt Engine Version: 3.1.0-2.fc17
oVirt Node Hypervisor 2.5.4-0.1.fc17
the error log:
2012-11-08 09:15:00,004 INFO
(QuartzScheduler_Worker-77) Checking autorecoverable storage domains
2012-11-08 09:17:28,920 WARN
(ajp-- calling GetConfigurationValueQuery
(StorageDomainNameSizeLimit) with null version,
using default general for version
2012-11-08 09:17:29,333 INFO
(ajp-- [7720b88f] START,
ValidateStorageServerConnectionVDSCommand(vdsId =
12bcf124-29a4-11e2-bcba-00505680002a, storagePoolId =
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = NFS,
connectionList = [{ id: 6556c55d-42a4-4dcc-832c-4d8987ebe6bd,
connection: };]), log id: 52777a80
2012-11-08 09:17:29,388 INFO
(ajp-- [7720b88f] FINISH,
ValidateStorageServerConnectionVDSCommand, return:
{6556c55d-42a4-4dcc-832c-4d8987ebe6bd=0}, log id: 52777a80
2012-11-08 09:17:29,392 INFO
(ajp-- [7720b88f] Running command:
AddStorageServerConnectionCommand internal: false. Entities affected
: ID: aaa00000-0000-0000-0000-123456789aaa Type: System
2012-11-08 09:17:29,404 INFO
(ajp-- [7720b88f] START,
ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand(vdsId =
12bcf124-29a4-11e2-bcba-00505680002a, storagePoolId =
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = NFS,
connectionList = [{ id: 6556c55d-42a4-4dcc-832c-4d8987ebe6bd,
connection: };]), log id: 36cb94f
2012-11-08 09:17:29,656 INFO
(ajp-- [7720b88f] FINISH,
ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand, return:
{6556c55d-42a4-4dcc-832c-4d8987ebe6bd=477}, log id: 36cb94f
2012-11-08 09:17:29,658 ERROR
(ajp-- [7720b88f] The connection with details failed because of
error code 477 and error message is: 477
2012-11-08 09:17:29,717 INFO
(ajp-- [1661aa36] Running command:
AddNFSStorageDomainCommand internal: false. En
tities affected : ID: aaa00000-0000-0000-0000-123456789aaa Type:
2012-11-08 09:17:29,740 INFO
(ajp-- [1661aa36] START,
CreateStorageDomainVDSCommand(vdsId = 12bcf12
args=, log id: 50b803a0
2012-11-08 09:17:35,233 ERROR
(ajp-- [1661aa36] Failed in CreateStorageDomainVDS
2012-11-08 09:17:35,234 ERROR
(ajp-- [1661aa36] Error code
StorageDomainFSNotMounted and error message VDSGeneri
cException: VDSErrorException: Failed to CreateStorageDomainVDS,
error = Storage domain remote path not mounted:
2012-11-08 09:17:35,260 INFO
(ajp-- [1661aa36] Command
omainVDSCommand return value
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