On Thursday 17 November 2011 21:15:16 Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
I'm adding infra(a)ovirt.org to this discussion - nothing here need
private (except for an internal machine name I trimmed.)
On 11/17/2011 09:12 AM, Ofer Schreiber wrote:
> Hey,
> Ronen finished creating the first rpms for ovirt [1] and vdsm
> [2].ovirt)
> I've uploaded all the 22 rpms (ovirt, vdsm and jboss) into
> /var/www/html/releases/0.0.1_0001-0/fc16 on
ovirt.org. It seems
> that /releases is not mapped in apache to the right directory.
> Karsten - can you please add "Alias /releases
> /var/www/html/releases" to lists.ovirt.org.conf? I didn't want to
> do this by myself.
Hmm, I dropped a / one one side of the Alias, because it's there
somewhat and works somewhat. I'm going to do both /releases/ and
/releases (Wordpress tries to grab both, basically.)
Alias /releases/ /var/www/html/releases/
Alias /releases /var/www/html/releases
That seems to have solved the directory traversal problem.
Mike and I worked up some directory structure that he is sending to
the open thread.
> [1]ovirt rpms created from
> d28a4d368412a89d652d62db304f7976466aab34 [2] vdsm rpms created from
> 1895f39f62af9e751e513a07dda6a75a31cf5d4a
- Karsten
Can you please make sure the rpm's (and tarball if exists),
are available in http as well? This is for other distro's who will
no use yum repo's.
"Hi, my name is Any Key. Please don't hit me!"