----- Original Message -----
From: "Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden"
To: infra(a)ovirt.org
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 4:22:18 PM
Subject: Re: Moving to new infra vendor for the oVirt project
On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 01:43:16AM -0500, Eyal Edri wrote:
> Due to some technical difficulties and current experience we have decide to
> switch hosting provider for the oVirt project,
> to host mostly the Jenkins infra (jenkins slave mostly), but potentially
> alterway servers as well (for production servers).
> I would like to hear your thoughts about which servers and HW requirements
> we need for the infra.
> The proposed infra layout:
> ===========================
> 1. ovirt-engine 3.3.x stable manager to run on a VM[1]
> 2. 3 bare-metal servers to serve as hypervisors for jenkins slaves and
> nested vms for automation tests. [2]
> we'll expect to run at least 4 VMs on each hypervisor for various
> jenkins slaves, and have the ability to take one host for maintanance
> w/o affecting the
> infra downtime too much.
> 3. external storage for a storage domain (NFS or ISCSI) and backups for all
> oVirt services. [3]
> 4. possibly manage alterway servers on the same ovirt-engine instance if
> performance won't decline.
> (we can request for a european datacenter if that will reduce latency).
> we might want to install another foreman-proxy on that DC to allow
> installing VMs locally.
> we will want to migrate the jenkins server which is hosted on bare-metal
> now on alterway to a VM as well.
> 5. fast network connection [4]
> We need to decide on the optimal hardware for this infrastructure, going
> forward with the oVirt project expanding
> and needing more resources.
> an initial estimation for the hardware: (feel free to pitch in and
> propose/change)
> =======================================
> [1] engine VM should have 16GB RAM and 200GB disk, i'm not sure about which
> CPU will be optimal yet - thoughts?
> [2] bare metal hosts should have 48GB ram (with option to expand to 96 if
> needed), no need for too much HD space if we're
> going to use external storage servers. available servers are:
> [3] 2TB NAS or Iscsi storage for hosting backups and storage domain for all
> the VMs
> [4] they offer public bandwitch of 5000GB, and a choise of uplink speeds -
> 100mbps for public and private network for no-extra charge
> or 1GBPS uplink for extra cost.
I'd prefer to start with 96GB RAM. You can never have enough RAM ;)
I think that 4 slaves per hypervisor isn't all that much given we also
want to start supporting multiple operating systems.
Correct, though if this is upgradable i'm not sure it's worth going a head with
full option
for start, cause it might affect our ability to get budget for other components (like
external storage).
I'd like to get a feedback on the actual server to consider which might affect the
overall cost.
there are 4 options of server families to choose from: (specific specs are in the url
which differ in CPU power and cache size (
1. xeon 5300 series (not relevant - offers max 32 GB mem)
2. xeon 5400 series (not relevant - offers max 32 GB mem)
3. xeon 5500 series
4. xeon 5600 series
5. xeon E5-2600 series
Let's say we have Fedora, EL and Ubuntu. For each we support 1 or 2
releases (F19, F20, EL5, EL6, Ubuntu latest LTS) that's already 5
distros. With 2 slaves per distro, that's 10 slaves. Then we also
sometimes want to start supporting a beta (F21, EL7, Ubuntu next LTS).
More RAM can also lower the requirement on storage because of caching.
Network wise I may be spoiled, but at $work it's all 1G and more and
more 10G so I'd prefer 1G. That said, I don't know the extra cost. It
will also depend on if we want to put
resources.ovirt.org there. Maybe
we can get more community support by setting up a mirrorlist and lower
the requirement.
That said, +1 to moving. I'm suprised it was this hard to get things
going at Rackspace.
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