Snapshot with memory of Engine/host VMs?
by Milan Zamazal
Hi, I have been playing with using Lago snapshots to restart oVirt
system tests from a certain point without all the preceding
initialization and tests. The primary purpose is to save time when
running a suite over different data center compatibility versions but it
could be also useful e.g. when writing and debugging tests.
However since `lagocli snapshot' makes disk-only snapshots the VMs get
restarted when they are reverted. This may cause various problems. For
instance, when I snapshot/revert before running add_dc test then
verify_notifier test fails -- I assume due to the event being initiated
before the snapshot and completed after the snapshot, so it's missing in
after-revert runs. Snapshots with memory should resolve similar issues.
Is it possible to make such snapshots in Lago?
I'd also like to clarify how is `lagocli revert' supposed to be used.
It seems to basically work as such but I could experience network
accessibility problems of the reverted Lago VMs. lagocli stop + revert
+ start seems to be a safer way of reverting to a snapshot. How should
`lagocli revert' be used properly?
6 years, 9 months