Query regarding OST test suite execution
by viraj shirsat
Hi ,
Good Morning :)
This is regarding OST tool setup i need some help on the same.
Please find below details.
My Setup :
1> Setup one open source ovirt engine
2> Setup one node and added the same on ovrit engine
3> Setup one VM for OST tool with following dependencies.
1.Setup LAGO
2.Git Clone OST
3.Install MOCK
*Please let me know if i am missing anything*
Query :
I am trying to run the OST from local machine but i am not able to figure
sequence of the steps to execute .
Can i get an sample sequence steps how to run any test suite(any).
Error :
[root@localhost lago]# lago status
Unable to find workdir in /jenkins/jobs/confs/projects/lago
What is workdir here, m i missing some thing ?
Waiting for your reply :)
Thanks in Advance
6 years, 3 months
Accessing lago VMs on a remote machine
by Yedidyah Bar David
Hi all,
Is there a documented way to connect to lago VMs where lago runs on a
remote machine?
I realize I can use ssh, ssh with tunelling, 'lago shell', etc., but
this is a bit uncomfortable.
Case in point:
I want to use OST on some machine (not my laptop) and use it to debug
imageio after ovirt-engine-rename. So I need to:
1. Get OST, e.g. basic suite, running
2. Verify that imageio works - here is where I am stuck. Ideally, I'd
like to be able to run a browser on my laptop and upload an image
directly to the OST env.
3. Run rename
4. Try again to upload an image and fix the broken stuff :-)
I realize that two solutions I can already use might be:
1. Run a browser, or perhaps a proxy, on the OST machine
2. Create a complex set of ssh tunnels
Anything else?
6 years, 3 months