Questions for freeaSPICE
by Yixin Zhang
Dear Sir or Madam,
Sorry can I have your name? freeaSPICE is a very nice APP, it could be used to connect the virtual machine directly.
There are some problems confused me, can I ask for you suggestions?
I'm Yixin Zhang,and now doing an internship for Outreachy Project,and now I'm in the project movirt. I'm thinking of calling freeaSPICE in movirt to connect VM, the calling code as followed:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)
And the data form as followed:spice://
However while I checked for you source code: , I found it can not pass the parameters TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubject using this method, is there any other ways to pass the parameters, if there is, could u give me some suggestions? Thank you so much.
In order to pass these three parameter TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubjectin,I fork your remote-desktop-clients code (fork address:,
Also, as you compile instruction I compiled aSPICE(But I have no idea how to compile and, so I copy lib document of freeaSPICE-3.7.7-final.apk),I add the parser code for these three parameters TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubject (The main logical code: :, and invoke aSPICE in movirt to connect VM successfully. However, it just want to prove some my own guess and I have no idea whether there are some problem to code in such way.
We really really hope that we could invoke freeaSPICE in movirt to realize such functions, and I like freeaSPICE this APP so much, with great appreciate that you developed such a great APP. If we could realize our ideas mentioned above using your freeaSPICE, it would be such an exciting thing.
Could you add parser for these three parameters TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubject in next version of freeaSPICE, or other ways that we could invoke freeaSPICE in movirt to connect VM?
Thank you so much for your time, looking forward to your reply
Best Regards,
Yixin Zhang
7 years
Re: [moVirt] Replace the current search box with something nicer (#107)
by Jakub Niedermertl
He Sphoorti, Neha,
if you want debug the problem of stuck vm,
you can attach an ISO of same system you are running in the VM (assuming Fedora) to VM,
boot live system,
mount partition of broken system,
and read system logs of failed boot by `# journalctl --file <path_to_failed_system_root>/var/log/journal/<some_id>/system.journal`
Best regards
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Tomas Jelinek" <tjelinek(a)>
To: "Jakub Niedermertl" <jniederm(a)>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:05:20 PM
Subject: Fwd: [moVirt] Replace the current search box with something nicer (#107)
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Tomas Jelinek" <tjelinek(a)>
To: "Sphoorti Joglekar" <sphoorti.joglekar(a)>
Cc: "matobet/moVirt" <reply+0023e4ace0b835ae7d6c481277cd23291a2b5d9423b8868592cf0000000111fbe25792a169ce05fe4da7(a)>, "matobet/moVirt" <moVirt(a)>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:00:13 PM
Subject: Re: [moVirt] Replace the current search box with something nicer (#107)
He Sphoorti, Neha,
well, not sure what exactly can be the issue, so just some recommendations:
1: please make sure the VMX is enabled on the virtualized processor.
- first make sure in the BIOS of the physical machine on which you run the virtual machine the hardware virtualization is enabled
- than make sure that the virtual machine has this enabled (in virt-manager you can simply go to processor-> configuration -> pick "copy host CPU Configuration")
2: during boot you can press "esc" key and see some boot logs, maybe there will be something useful
3: try some different version of the all-in-one
4: try the ovirt-live ( which is a live ISO. Just burn this to some CD or put to an USB stick and boot from it. It should be stateless and setup itself. Or you can boot a virtual machine from it.
Please let me know if something of this helped.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sphoorti Joglekar" <sphoorti.joglekar(a)>
> To: "matobet/moVirt"
> <reply+0023e4ace0b835ae7d6c481277cd23291a2b5d9423b8868592cf0000000111fbe25792a169ce05fe4da7(a)>,
> "Tomas Jelinek" <tjelinek(a)>
> Cc: "matobet/moVirt" <moVirt(a)>
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 11:57:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [moVirt] Replace the current search box with something nicer (#107)
> Hi Tomas,
> Me and Neha have been trying to setup the ovirt all in one iso on a VM with
> 4gb RAM. However we are facing setup issue since after successful
> installation and reboot, the screen hangs on loading icon. Could you help
> us with this?
> On Aug 31, 2015 3:07 PM, "Tomas Jelinek" <notifications(a)> wrote:
> > @Neha--Agarwal <> any progress? Are you
> > stuck somewhere? Some issues I could maybe help with?
> >
> > —
> > Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
> > <>.
> >
9 years, 6 months
Re: [moVirt] Advertising opportunity for Movirt
by Clara Lambert
Did you receive the email below?
Kindest regards,
On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Clara Lambert <clara(a)> wrote:
> Dear Ovirt team,
> My name is Clara and I am specialized in helping android developers to
> better monetize their apps on Google Play. Our premium advertisers are
> currently looking to buy android traffic at a very high price in apps like
> Movirt.
> We think you can generate up to $10 CPM with their full screen ads, which
> are very clean. Indeed, most of our advertisers are willing to pay , on
> average, between $1 and $3 per installation. You're free to display these
> ads whenever you want in your app so that it's not intrusive.
> If you'd like to learn more, don't hesitate to ask me. You can also visit
> our website: the link is in my signature ;)
> What do you think? Do you want to give it a try?
> Kindest regards,
> Clara Lambert
> Account manager
9 years, 7 months
Advertising opportunity for Movirt
by Clara Lambert
Dear Ovirt team,
My name is Clara and I am specialized in helping android developers to better monetize their apps on Google Play. Our premium advertisers are currently looking to buy android traffic at a very high price in apps like Movirt.
We think you can generate up to $10 CPM with their full screen ads, which are very clean. Indeed, most of our advertisers are willing to pay , on average, between $1 and $3 per installation. You're free to display these ads whenever you want in your app so that it's not intrusive.
If you'd like to learn more, don't hesitate to ask me. You can also visit our website: the link is in my signature ;)
What do you think? Do you want to give it a try?
Kindest regards,
Clara Lambert
Account manager
9 years, 7 months
[appname, fallback=Your App] Got a Score of [score, fallback=50] out of 100!
by Mobile Action
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9 years, 7 months
Hey, nice app! Did you know it’s on Appszoom, too?
by Nico Sánchez
Hola from Barcelona, and congratulations on your new app!
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