Questions for freeaSPICE
by Yixin Zhang
Dear Sir or Madam,
Sorry can I have your name? freeaSPICE is a very nice APP, it could be used to connect the virtual machine directly.
There are some problems confused me, can I ask for you suggestions?
I'm Yixin Zhang,and now doing an internship for Outreachy Project,and now I'm in the project movirt. I'm thinking of calling freeaSPICE in movirt to connect VM, the calling code as followed:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)
And the data form as followed:spice://
However while I checked for you source code: , I found it can not pass the parameters TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubject using this method, is there any other ways to pass the parameters, if there is, could u give me some suggestions? Thank you so much.
In order to pass these three parameter TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubjectin,I fork your remote-desktop-clients code (fork address:,
Also, as you compile instruction I compiled aSPICE(But I have no idea how to compile and, so I copy lib document of freeaSPICE-3.7.7-final.apk),I add the parser code for these three parameters TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubject (The main logical code: :, and invoke aSPICE in movirt to connect VM successfully. However, it just want to prove some my own guess and I have no idea whether there are some problem to code in such way.
We really really hope that we could invoke freeaSPICE in movirt to realize such functions, and I like freeaSPICE this APP so much, with great appreciate that you developed such a great APP. If we could realize our ideas mentioned above using your freeaSPICE, it would be such an exciting thing.
Could you add parser for these three parameters TlsPort, CaCertPath, CertSubject in next version of freeaSPICE, or other ways that we could invoke freeaSPICE in movirt to connect VM?
Thank you so much for your time, looking forward to your reply
Best Regards,
Yixin Zhang
6 years, 12 months
dashboard feature proposal in moVirt
by Tomas Jelinek
Hi all,
I'd propose a new feature to the movirt: a dashboard. It is highly inspired by the dashboard feature proposed to the oVirt 4.0 [1].
The specific use case I'd like to solve with it is this:
- The admin arrives to the office at the morning, puts his tablet/phone to the charger and opens moVirt's dashboard
- It will be showing the current health of the whole datacenter, but since it is on a tablet/phone it does not occupy his primary screen so he can freely do his work (considering that oVirt administration is not his only job)
- It will play well with the current events/triggers features of moVirt (e.g. if some VM/host is over-utilized, down or..., the phone will start blinking grabbing the attention of the admin)
The specific proposal is this:
- add a new tab to moVirt which will be opened as the first tab (instead of the current VMs tab)
- as the first thing to add is the Utilization section of the [1] without the charts (since we don't have historical data) - please see the attached picture
- this should be the first increment, when merged, we can add the top N most utilized VMs and top N utilized hosts (showing only on screens where actually fit in - e.g. not phone but tablet)
- as a last step, we could add a stream of events
Any comments?
9 years, 8 months
when connection fails, user does not know the data are old
by Tomas Jelinek
Hey All,
we have an interesting bug report from Sandro [1] which says that after the connection between engine and moVirt goes down, moVirt does not notify the user about this and keeps showing the
old data in the UI as if nothing happened even they are weeks old. This is obviously not correct but not exactly clear how should it behave. I see this options:
- if the connection fails during the refresh, set all the statuses of everything to "unknown"
(I would not do this since this would generate the notifications and may be temporal (e.g. phone in tunnel or something))
- leave the data as they are and have some top bar or something saying how old the data are. This would be updated at every poll
(Not sure, would occupy place and would make it hard for partial updates. And track this for each entity is costy)
- leave the data as they are and if some server communication fails add a top bar with a warning that the connection to server is lost and the data are old - maybe with some note when was the last successful connection.
(this seems simple enough and my favorite but still not convinced I like it...)
Any more ideas?
9 years, 8 months