[Users] oVirt test day summery
by Moran Goldboim
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I would like to thank all who has participated the oVirt test day below
are some of the observation seen during the test day
* Participation -
o Participation was mainly from Redhat, i have seen some
mailing list activity which involved some non-redhats but
all 30 bugs opened were by Redhats (28 by Rhevm QE). I was
disappointed that not to many developers taking an active
part in the testing.
o It would be nice to hear some outside opinions on first
encounter with oVirt from the community
* Bugs found:
o total of 30 bugs were found on ovirt - http://bit.ly/AAqM6A
o Bugs per component:
+ ovirt-engine-webadmin - 12 Bugs
+ ovirt-engine-installer - 4 Bugs
+ ovirt-engine-cli - 4 Bugs
+ ovirt-engine-config - 2 Bugs
+ ovirt-engine-core - 3 Bugs
+ ovirt-engine-sdk - 2 Bugs
+ vdsm - 2 Bugs
+ ovirt-engine-api - 1 Bug
* Component status - components are working as expected on basic
operations, except ovirt-engine-cli in which some basic flows are
o tools weren't tested
I think that all after all we have a stable candidate for first ovirt
version Jan 31th.
Thanks again,
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I would like to thank all who has participated the oVirt test day
below are some of the observation seen during the test day
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Testing/OvirtTestDay">http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Testing/OvirtTestDay</a>).<br>
<li>Participation -</li>
<li>Participation was mainly from Redhat, i have seen some
mailing list activity which involved some non-redhats but all
30 bugs opened were by Redhats (28 by Rhevm QE). I was
disappointed that not to many developers taking an active part
in the testing.</li>
<li>It would be nice to hear some outside opinions on first
encounter with oVirt from the community<br>
<li>Bugs found:</li>
<li>total of 30 bugs were found on ovirt - <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://bit.ly/AAqM6A">http://bit.ly/AAqM6A</a></li>
<li>Bugs per component:</li>
<li>ovirt-engine-webadmin - 12 Bugs<br>
<li>ovirt-engine-installer - 4 Bugs</li>
<li>ovirt-engine-cli - 4 Bugs</li>
<li>ovirt-engine-config - 2 Bugs</li>
<li>ovirt-engine-core - 3 Bugs</li>
<li>ovirt-engine-sdk - 2 Bugs</li>
<li>vdsm - 2 Bugs</li>
<li>ovirt-engine-api - 1 Bug</li>
<li>Component status - components are working as expected on basic
operations, except ovirt-engine-cli in which some basic flows
are broken.</li>
<li>tools weren't tested</li>
I think that all after all we have a stable candidate for first
ovirt version Jan 31th.<br>
Thanks again,<br>
13 years, 2 months
[Users] test day: using VM has host for vdsm
by Ryan Harper
I've created some f16 VMs that contain both ovirt-engine and a few
to run vdsm as nodes. When I add in the VM host into the engine and it
attempts to install vdsm (even though I've already installed vdsm) the
install fails because the vdsm install script is checking to see if the
host has virt capabilities; since I'm not running nested KVM, this
fails. Is there a way to work around this can enable a VM to be a host
in oVirt? I had heard in the past there was a way to create fake VMs
when attempting to do ovirt-engine stress testing, wondering if that
might be of help here.
Also, are their vdsm rpms built for RHEL6.x available?
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
13 years, 2 months
[Users] oVirt test day
by André Felício
Hi all,
I found some problems installing the oVirt. Engine on F16 e using ovirt-node
I did the installation of a engine in Fedora 16 minimum.
Problem #1: No suporte on ovirt-node to UEFI machine. You must run in
legacy mode
Problem #2: I run the engine-setup and I get the following error in the log.
Certificate was added to keystore
./SignReq.sh: line 79: /var/lock/ovirt-engine/.openssl.exclusivelock:
No such file or directoryfile certs/engine.cer does not exist!
The /var/lock/ovirt-engine folder does not exist. After creating the
folder the engine-setup ran without problem.
Problem #3: Add oVirt node from Webadmin engine.
# cat /tmp/vds_installer.455167.log
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 DEBUG **** Start VDS Installation ****
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 DEBUG get_id_line: read line oVirt Node
Hypervisor release 2.2.1 (3.6.fc16).
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 DEBUG lsb_release: input line oVirt Node
Hypervisor release 2.2.1 (3.6.fc16).
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 DEBUG lsb_release: return: oVirtNodeHypervisor.
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 ERROR Unsupported platform: oVirtNodeHypervisor
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='INSTALLER'
status='FAIL' message='Unsupported platform: oVirtNodeHypervisor'/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:25:37 ERROR Failed platform test.
I tried the changes documented in
http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Node_Release_Notes but it still fails. On
engine show "Pending Approval", I'm aprove but it still erro.
I hope I have helped with this report. Tomorrow I continue the "Test
Week" with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Node V3 beta and another
André Felício
13 years, 2 months
Re: [Users] test day: using VM has host for vdsm
by Ryan Harper
* Haim Ateya <hateya(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 07:13]:
> On Wed 18 Jan 2012 02:59:01 PM IST, Ryan Harper wrote:
> >I've created some f16 VMs that contain both ovirt-engine and a few
> >to run vdsm as nodes. When I add in the VM host into the engine and it
> >attempts to install vdsm (even though I've already installed vdsm) the
> >install fails because the vdsm install script is checking to see if the
> >host has virt capabilities; since I'm not running nested KVM, this
> >fails. Is there a way to work around this can enable a VM to be a host
> >in oVirt? I had heard in the past there was a way to create fake VMs
> >when attempting to do ovirt-engine stress testing, wondering if that
> >might be of help here.
> >
> >Also, are their vdsm rpms built for RHEL6.x available?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> Hi Rayn,
> - login to your ovirt-engine machine
> - edit
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/engine.ear/components.war/vds/vds_bootstrap.py
> - comment out the following:
> 836 if not oDeploy.virtExplorer(random_num):
> 837 logging.error('virtExplorer test failed')
> 838 return False
> - reinstall host
So I'm getting further, but now the bootstrap.log has more errors below.
If I follow the test day instructions, it indicates to install vdsm and
includes instructions, but it's clear that ovirt-engine is configured by
default to push out vdsm and install it. If I've already configured and
installed vdsm on the node is there any way to not attempting to bootstrap vdsm
at all and just attempt to have it connect?
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='VDS PACKAGES' status='OK' result='qemu-kvm-tools' message='qemu-kvm-tools-0.15.1-3.fc16.x86_64 '/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG Basic configuration found, skipping this step
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='CreateConf' status='OK' message='Basic configuration found, skipping this step'/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='CheckLocalHostname' status='OK' message='Local hostname is correct.'/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG Bridge ovirtmgmt not found, need to create it.
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress Entry. url=http://ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com:8080/Components/vds/
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress return. address=ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com port=8080
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG makeBridge begin.
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG _getMGTIface: read host name: ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG _getMGTIface: using host name ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com strIP=
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG _getMGTIface IP= strIface=engine
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR makeBridge found existing bridge named: engine
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR makeBridge errored: out=
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG makeBridge return.
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR addNetwork error trying to add management bridge
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='SetNetworking' status='FAIL' message='addNetwork error trying to add management bridge'/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress Entry. url=http://ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com:8080/Components/vds/
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress return. address=ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com port=8080
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getRemoteFile start. IP = ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com port = 8080 fileName = "/engine.ssh.key.txt"
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG /engine.ssh.key.txt failed in HTTPS. Retrying using HTTP.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 1334, in getRemoteFile
conn.sock = getSSLSocket(sock, certPath)
File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 1178, in getSSLSocket
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/ssl.py", line 372, in wrap_socket
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/ssl.py", line 132, in __init__
SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:340: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getRemoteFile end.
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG handleSSHKey start
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG Failed to read /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG handleSSHKey: failed to chmod authorized_keys
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 608, in handleSSHKey
File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 576, in silentRestoreCon
import selinux
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/__init__.py", line 26, in <module>
_selinux = swig_import_helper()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/__init__.py", line 22, in swig_import_helper
_mod = imp.load_module('_selinux', fp, pathname, description)
ImportError: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/_selinux.so: undefined symbol: selinux_check_access
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG handleSSHKey end
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='SetSSHAccess' status='FAIL' message='Failed to write server~s SSH key.'/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR setSSHAccess test failed
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG <BSTRAP component='RHEV_INSTALL' status='FAIL'/>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG **** End VDS Validation ****
> - add fake_kvm_support = True to your vdsm.conf under
> /etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf
> - restart vdsmd service
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
13 years, 2 months
Re: [Users] test day: using VM has host for vdsm
by Ryan Harper
* Haim Ateya <hateya(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 11:15]:
> On Jan 18, 2012, at 19:10, Ryan Harper <ryanh(a)us.ibm.com> wrote:
> > * Rami Vaknin <rvaknin(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 10:49]:
> >> On 01/18/2012 06:39 PM, Ryan Harper wrote:
> >>> * Ayal Baron<abaron(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 10:35]:
> >>>>
> >>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>> * Haim Ateya<hateya(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 10:15]:
> >>>>>> On Wed 18 Jan 2012 06:09:46 PM IST, Ryan Harper wrote:
> >>>>>>> * Haim Ateya<hateya(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 08:02]:
> >>>>>>>> On Wed 18 Jan 2012 03:48:08 PM IST, Ryan Harper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> * Haim Ateya<hateya(a)redhat.com> [2012-01-18 07:13]:
> >>>>>>>>>> On Wed 18 Jan 2012 02:59:01 PM IST, Ryan Harper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> I've created some f16 VMs that contain both ovirt-engine and a
> >>>>>>>>>>> few
> >>>>>>>>>>> to run vdsm as nodes. When I add in the VM host into the
> >>>>>>>>>>> engine and it
> >>>>>>>>>>> attempts to install vdsm (even though I've already installed
> >>>>>>>>>>> vdsm) the
> >>>>>>>>>>> install fails because the vdsm install script is checking to
> >>>>>>>>>>> see if the
> >>>>>>>>>>> host has virt capabilities; since I'm not running nested KVM,
> >>>>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>> fails. Is there a way to work around this can enable a VM to
> >>>>>>>>>>> be a host
> >>>>>>>>>>> in oVirt? I had heard in the past there was a way to create
> >>>>>>>>>>> fake VMs
> >>>>>>>>>>> when attempting to do ovirt-engine stress testing, wondering
> >>>>>>>>>>> if that
> >>>>>>>>>>> might be of help here.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Also, are their vdsm rpms built for RHEL6.x available?
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi Rayn,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> - login to your ovirt-engine machine
> >>>>>>>>>> - edit
> >>>>>>>>>> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/engine.ear/components.war/vds/vds_bootstrap.py
> >>>>>>>>>> - comment out the following:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 836 if not oDeploy.virtExplorer(random_num):
> >>>>>>>>>> 837 logging.error('virtExplorer test failed')
> >>>>>>>>>> 838 return False
> >>>>>>>>>> - reinstall host
> >>>>>>>>> So I'm getting further, but now the bootstrap.log has more
> >>>>>>>>> errors below.
> >>>>>>>>> If I follow the test day instructions, it indicates to install
> >>>>>>>>> vdsm and
> >>>>>>>>> includes instructions, but it's clear that ovirt-engine is
> >>>>>>>>> configured by
> >>>>>>>>> default to push out vdsm and install it. If I've already
> >>>>>>>>> configured and
> >>>>>>>>> installed vdsm on the node is there any way to not attempting to
> >>>>>>>>> bootstrap
> >>>>>>>>> vdsm
> >>>>>>>>> at all and just attempt to have it connect?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG<BSTRAP component='VDS PACKAGES'
> >>>>>>>>> status='OK' result='qemu-kvm-tools'
> >>>>>>>>> message='qemu-kvm-tools-0.15.1-3.fc16.x86_64 '/>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG Basic configuration found,
> >>>>>>>>> skipping
> >>>>>>>>> this step
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG<BSTRAP component='CreateConf'
> >>>>>>>>> status='OK'
> >>>>>>>>> message='Basic configuration found, skipping this step'/>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG<BSTRAP
> >>>>>>>>> component='CheckLocalHostname'
> >>>>>>>>> status='OK' message='Local hostname is correct.'/>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG Bridge ovirtmgmt not found,
> >>>>>>>>> need to
> >>>>>>>>> create it.
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress Entry.
> >>>>>>>>> url=http://ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com:8080/Components/vds/
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress return.
> >>>>>>>>> address=ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com port=8080
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG makeBridge begin.
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG _getMGTIface: read host name:
> >>>>>>>>> ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG _getMGTIface: using host name
> >>>>>>>>> ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com strIP=
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG _getMGTIface
> >>>>>>>>> IP=
> >>>>>>>>> strIface=engine
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR makeBridge found existing
> >>>>>>>>> bridge
> >>>>>>>>> named:
> >>>>>>>>> engine
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR makeBridge errored: out=
> >>>>>>>>> err=None
> >>>>>>>>> ret=None
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG makeBridge return.
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR addNetwork error trying to
> >>>>>>>>> add
> >>>>>>>>> management bridge
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG<BSTRAP component='SetNetworking'
> >>>>>>>>> status='FAIL' message='addNetwork error trying to add management
> >>>>>>>>> bridge'/>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress Entry.
> >>>>>>>>> url=http://ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com:8080/Components/vds/
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getAddress return.
> >>>>>>>>> address=ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com port=8080
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getRemoteFile start. IP =
> >>>>>>>>> ichigo-dom223.phx.austin.ibm.com port = 8080 fileName =
> >>>>>>>>> "/engine.ssh.key.txt"
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG /engine.ssh.key.txt failed in
> >>>>>>>>> HTTPS.
> >>>>>>>>> Retrying using HTTP.
> >>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>>>>>>>> File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 1334, in getRemoteFile
> >>>>>>>>> conn.sock = getSSLSocket(sock, certPath)
> >>>>>>>>> File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 1178, in getSSLSocket
> >>>>>>>>> cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
> >>>>>>>>> File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/ssl.py", line 372, in wrap_socket
> >>>>>>>>> ciphers=ciphers)
> >>>>>>>>> File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/ssl.py", line 132, in __init__
> >>>>>>>>> ciphers)
> >>>>>>>>> SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:340: error:0B084002:x509
> >>>>>>>>> certificate
> >>>>>>>>> routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG getRemoteFile end.
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG handleSSHKey start
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG Failed to read
> >>>>>>>>> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG handleSSHKey: failed to chmod
> >>>>>>>>> authorized_keys
> >>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>>>>>>>> File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 608, in handleSSHKey
> >>>>>>>>> silentRestoreCon(P_ROOT_AUTH_KEYS)
> >>>>>>>>> File "/tmp/deployUtil.py", line 576, in silentRestoreCon
> >>>>>>>>> import selinux
> >>>>>>>>> File
> >>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/__init__.py",
> >>>>>>>>> line
> >>>>>>>>> 26,
> >>>>>>>>> in<module>
> >>>>>>>>> _selinux = swig_import_helper()
> >>>>>>>>> File
> >>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/__init__.py",
> >>>>>>>>> line
> >>>>>>>>> 22,
> >>>>>>>>> in swig_import_helper
> >>>>>>>>> _mod = imp.load_module('_selinux', fp, pathname,
> >>>>>>>>> description)
> >>>>>>>>> ImportError:
> >>>>>>>>> /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/_selinux.so:
> >>>>>>>>> undefined symbol: selinux_check_access
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG handleSSHKey end
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG<BSTRAP component='SetSSHAccess'
> >>>>>>>>> status='FAIL' message='Failed to write server~s SSH key.'/>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 ERROR setSSHAccess test failed
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG<BSTRAP component='RHEV_INSTALL'
> >>>>>>>>> status='FAIL'/>
> >>>>>>>>> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:35:37 DEBUG **** End VDS Validation ****
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> - add fake_kvm_support = True to your vdsm.conf under
> >>>>>>>>>> /etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf
> >>>>>>>>>> - restart vdsmd service
> >>>>>>>> please make sure selinux is set at least on permissive mode;
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> sed -i 's/SELINUX=disabled/SELINUX=permissive/g'
> >>>>>>>> /etc/sysconfig/selinux
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> reboot and reinstall.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> anyhow, if this is the case, its a known issue and patch is
> >>>>>>>> pending
> >>>>>>>> upstream.
> >>>>>>> I did this, but I was also able to just re-run the installer and
> >>>>>>> bootstrap completed. However, now I have another issue.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> THe host is marked unresponsive in engine, engine.log shows a
> >>>>>>> connectivity issue, but both hosts can ping and share data.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> . Stage completed. (Stage: Running second installation script on
> >>>>>>> Host)
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 09:58:08,550 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.hostinstall.MinaInstallWrapper]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-49) RunSSHCommand returns true
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 09:58:08,550 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsInstaller]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-49) FinishCommand ended:true
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 09:58:08,554 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InstallVdsCommand] (pool-5-thread-49)
> >>>>>>> After
> >>>>>>> Installation pool-5-thread-49
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 09:58:08,555 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetVdsStatusVDSCommand]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-49) START, SetVdsStatusVDSCommand(vdsId =
> >>>>>>> 8c627fa8-41d8-11e1-8d2f-00fffe0000df, status=Reboot,
> >>>>>>> nonOperationalReason=NONE), log id: 703c3cbd
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 09:58:08,560 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetVdsStatusVDSCommand]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-49) FINISH, SetVdsStatusVDSCommand, log id:
> >>>>>>> 703c3cbd
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 09:58:08,560 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsCommand]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-50) Waiting 300 seconds, for server to finish
> >>>>>>> reboot
> >>>>>>> process.
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 10:03:08,561 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetVdsStatusVDSCommand]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-50) START, SetVdsStatusVDSCommand(vdsId =
> >>>>>>> 8c627fa8-41d8-11e1-8d2f-00fffe0000df, status=NonResponsive,
> >>>>>>> nonOperationalReason=NONE), log id: 3e57bdd2
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 10:03:08,570 INFO
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.SetVdsStatusVDSCommand]
> >>>>>>> (pool-5-thread-50) FINISH, SetVdsStatusVDSCommand, log id:
> >>>>>>> 3e57bdd2
> >>>>>>> 2012-01-18 10:03:10,201 ERROR
> >>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VdsBrokerCommand]
> >>>>>>> (QuartzScheduler_Worker-35) XML RPC error in command
> >>>>>>> GetCapabilitiesVDS (
> >>>>>>> Vds: ichigo-dom224 ), the error was:
> >>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
> >>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I can query vdsm on the on the node:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> [root@f16-node1 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps
> >>>>>>> HBAInventory = {'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':
> >>>>>>> 'iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:2abcda43e16d'}], 'FC': []}
> >>>>>>> ISCSIInitiatorName = iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:2abcda43e16d
> >>>>>>> bondings = {'bond4': {'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg':
> >>>>>>> {},
> >>>>>>> 'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': []}, 'bond0': {'hwaddr':
> >>>>>>> '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {}, 'netmask': '', 'addr': '',
> >>>>>>> 'slaves':
> >>>>>>> []}, 'bond1': {'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {},
> >>>>>>> 'netmask':
> >>>>>>> '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': []}, 'bond2': {'hwaddr':
> >>>>>>> '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {}, 'netmask': '', 'addr': '',
> >>>>>>> 'slaves':
> >>>>>>> []}, 'bond3': {'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {},
> >>>>>>> 'netmask':
> >>>>>>> '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': []}}
> >>>>>>> clusterLevels = ['3.0']
> >>>>>>> cpuCores = 1
> >>>>>>> cpuFlags =
> >>>>>>> pge,clflush,sep,syscall,tsc,vmx,cmov,nx,constant_tsc,pat,sse4_1,lm,msr,fpu,fxsr,pae,nopl,mmx,cx8,mce,de,mca,pse,pni,popcnt,apic,sse,sse4_2,lahf_lm,sse2,hypervisor,up,ssse3,cx16,pse36,mtrr,x2apicmodel_486,model_pentium,model_pentium2,model_pentium3,model_pentiumpro,model_qemu32,model_coreduo,model_core2duo,model_n270,model_Conroe,model_Penryn,model_Nehalem,model_Opteron_G1
> >>>>>>> cpuModel = Intel(Fake) CPU
> >>>>>>> cpuSockets = 1
> >>>>>>> cpuSpeed = 2800.482
> >>>>>>> emulatedMachines = ['pc-0.14', 'pc', 'fedora-13', 'pc-0.13',
> >>>>>>> 'pc-0.12', 'pc-0.11', 'pc-0.10', 'isapc']
> >>>>>>> guestOverhead = 65
> >>>>>>> hooks = {}
> >>>>>>> kvmEnabled = true
> >>>>>>> management_ip =
> >>>>>>> memSize = 7988
> >>>>>>> networks = {'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '', 'cfg':
> >>>>>>> {'DEVICE':
> >>>>>>> 'ovirtmgmt', 'DELAY': '0', 'BOOTPROTO': 'dhcp', 'TYPE':
> >>>>>>> 'Bridge',
> >>>>>>> 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ports': ['eth0'], 'netmask':
> >>>>>>> '',
> >>>>>>> 'stp': 'off', 'gateway': ''}}
> >>>>>>> nics = {'eth0': {'hwaddr': '00:FF:FE:00:00:E0', 'netmask':
> >>>>>>> '',
> >>>>>>> 'speed': 0, 'addr': ''}}
> >>>>>>> operatingSystem = {'release': '1', 'version': '16', 'name':
> >>>>>>> 'Fedora'}
> >>>>>>> packages2 = {'kernel': {'release': '7.fc16.x86_64',
> >>>>>>> 'buildtime':
> >>>>>>> 1320196248.0, 'version': '3.1.0'}, 'spice-server':
> >>>>>>> {'release':
> >>>>>>> '1.fc16', 'buildtime': '1321276111', 'version': '0.10.0'},
> >>>>>>> 'vdsm':
> >>>>>>> {'release': '0.fc16', 'buildtime': '1326734129', 'version':
> >>>>>>> ''}, 'qemu-kvm': {'release': '3.fc16', 'buildtime':
> >>>>>>> '1321651456', 'version': '0.15.1'}, 'libvirt': {'release':
> >>>>>>> '4.fc16',
> >>>>>>> 'buildtime': '1324326688', 'version': '0.9.6'}, 'qemu-img':
> >>>>>>> {'release': '3.fc16', 'buildtime': '1321651456', 'version':
> >>>>>>> '0.15.1'}}
> >>>>>>> reservedMem = 321
> >>>>>>> software_revision = 0
> >>>>>>> software_version = 4.9
> >>>>>>> supportedProtocols = ['2.2', '2.3']
> >>>>>>> supportedRHEVMs = ['3.0']
> >>>>>>> uuid = 922F4AE6-8EEA-4B11-44C4-EA1E1D665AC2_00:FF:FE:00:00:E0
> >>>>>>> version_name = Snow Man
> >>>>>>> vlans = {}
> >>>>>>> vmTypes = ['kvm']
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> can you check if problem is solved if you run iptables -F ?
> >>>>> It doesn't.
> >>>> can you also post the vdsm.log to see if the request made it and was
> >>>> rejected for some reason?
> >>> yes, I think this is the issue:
> >>>
> >>> Thread-1016::ERROR::2012-01-18
> >>> 11:36:50,986::SecureXMLRPCServer::73::root::(handle_error) client
> >>> ('', 58819)
> >>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>> File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 582, in
> >>> process_request_thread
> >>> self.finish_request(request, client_address)
> >>> File "/usr/share/vdsm/SecureXMLRPCServer.py", line 66, in
> >>> finish_request
> >>> request.do_handshake()
> >>> File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/ssl.py", line 296, in do_handshake
> >>> self._sslobj.do_handshake()
> >>>
> >>> I have vdsm.conf with ssl=true, however, if I set ssl=false, then I
> >>> cannot query vdsm from the localhost client:
> >>>
> >>> [root@f16-node1 vdsm]# vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps
> >>>
> >>> with ssl=false, that returns connection refused.
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Indeed. If you want to work without ssl, you need to also change the
> >> "UseSecureConnectionWithServers" option_name to "false" in vdc_options
> >> table in ovirt-engine database and restart jboss-as service , so it will
> >> query vdsm without SSL.
> >
> > ok, now with ssl=false, and the database updated and jboss-as restart,
> > engine sees the host as up, but the local query of the capabilities
> > fails.
> You should run the command without the "-s" (which stands for secure).
I learn something new every day. vdsClient 0 getVdsCaps works fine now.
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
13 years, 2 months
[Users] 回复: Can't start ovirt-node
by Laurence
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13 years, 2 months
[Users] Small errors on the wiki
by Jean-Francois Saucier
Hi everyone,
I tried to install oVirt engine from RPM just a minute ago and found
some small errors on the wiki page at :
I know oVirt and RHEV pretty well but I am new to the project and has
not yet contributed anything. The question I have is I wonder if I
should change the wiki directly or refer to someone before doing it.
This page seems to be an important one that is referred regularly and
I don't want to break anything.
The first error is that the ovirt-engine.repo is now at
http://www.ovirt.org/releases/nightly/ovirt-engine.repo in the step
"Configuring Ovirt's Repository".
The second error is that you cannot run engine-cleanup at the first
install you do. But the explanation state explicitly, and in bold, to
run this command before _every_ installation.
These are not big errors but I think they could cause some confusion
to new users of oVirt.
Jean-Francois Saucier (djf_jeff)
GPG key : 0xA9E6E953
13 years, 2 months
[Users] http://bottomlineit.wordpress.com/tag/ovirt/
by Carl Trieloff
The oVirt Project bills itself as an open virtualization project
providing a feature-rich server virtualization management system with
advanced capabilities for hosts and guests, including high availability,
live migration, storage management, system scheduler, and more. The
oVirt goal is to develop a broad ecosystem of tools to make up a
complete integrated platform and to deliver them on a well defined
release schedule. These are components designed and tested to work
together, and oVirt should become a central venue for user and developer
13 years, 2 months
[Users] oVirt node in a diskless environment
by Li, David
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Hi, I am totally new to this. But what I am looking for is to run oVirt nod=
e on a diskless x86_64 server board. I have to pxeboot and then mount the i=
nitramfs as the final root file systems. No disk or NFS is allowed.
Is this possible with the current release?
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nk=3Dpurple><div class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal>Hi, I am totally=
new to this. But what I am looking for is to run oVirt node on a diskless =
x86_64 server board. I have to pxeboot and then mount the initramfs as the =
final root file systems. No disk or NFS is allowed. <o:p></o:p></p><p class=
=3DMsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Is this possible wit=
h the current release?<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p> </o:p>=
</p><p class=3DMsoNormal>David<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbs=
13 years, 2 months
[Users] oVirt test day is coming tomorrow - Jan 18th - Reminder
by Moran Goldboim
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All are invited to join and share your ideas, tests, and results.
all details available at http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Testing/OvirtTestDay
IRC - #ovirt at irc.oftc.net
hope to see you there.
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All are invited to join and share your ideas,
tests, and results.<br>
all details available at <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Miscellaneous"></span></h2>
<p>IRC - #ovirt at irc.oftc.net
hope to see you there.<br>
13 years, 2 months