broken mirror -
by Jiri Belka
could anybody responsible contact owners of this mirror to repair it?
same via http...
# rsync --progress -a -vv --exclude-from=ovirt-3.5-pre.exclude \
rsync:// ./ 2>&1 | tail rsync:
send_files failed to open
"/ovirt-3.5-pre/rpm/el6/repodata/ebecd4b94e21b74ab316613e1d7b691b1bbdf94458f2379a360e832ab02aa9ab-filelists.sqlite.bz2" (in
ovirt): Permission denied (13) rsync: send_files failed to open
"/ovirt-3.5-pre/rpm/el6/repodata/f0b68ae5785cc196d864a69fd412f9ec8b8e55f5e502cebce8763f8d88efee86-primary.xml.gz" (in
ovirt): Permission denied (13) rsync: send_files failed to open
"/ovirt-3.5-pre/rpm/el6/repodata/f19a6460fde53ec087366afb6dea696d1633dc516d3474e26d47fd32ec3da34d-filelists.xml.gz" (in
ovirt): Permission denied (13) rsync: send_files failed to open
"/ovirt-3.5-pre/rpm/el6/repodata/f6a676be4d0abe84266175744759247c560f5de70cb410abefdf52ec2f60dcb9-filelists.xml.gz" (in
ovirt): Permission denied (13) rsync: send_files failed to open
"/ovirt-3.5-pre/rpm/el6/repodata/f71afa837e0bff24395d6a8ba4660613182c2d6eba648504d4f367b793bb8a6a-primary.sqlite.bz2" (in
ovirt): Permission denied (13) rsync: send_files failed to open
"/ovirt-3.5-pre/rpm/el6/repodata/fd1d726943a4c01da84af9ba56e7abc284e9fda283d4eb959e0835f7ca29eef5-primary.sqlite.bz2" (in
ovirt): Permission denied (13)
sent 5418 bytes received 86056 bytes 12196.53 bytes/sec
total size is 3353996928 speedup is 36666.12
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous
errors) (code 23) at main.c(1505) [generator=3.0.6]
10 years, 8 months mirror doesn't have ovirt via rsync
by Jiri Belka
could anybody responsible contact owners of this mirror and ask them to
make oVirt available via rsync?
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10 years, 8 months
oVirt 3.5 2nd test day report - hosted engine
by Greg Padgett
Hi all,
Today I tested Hosted Engine on iSCSI (setup and operation) on Fedora 20.
The first part of setup went smoothly, but there were some hiccups I
eventually ran into:
- HA services didn't start after setup [1]
- HA agent failed without reporting an error [2][3]
I also noticed that when an iSCSI target has multiple LUNs, a random (?)
one would be chosen by setup. I ended up running setup again with only
one LUN available to make sure this didn't cause further errors.
After setup of the first host completed, things seemed to be working well.
However, after completing 2nd host setup and rebooting the first host, I
have errors in both agent.log files. [4]
I'll follow up with msivak and jmoskovc to see if these are errors on my
part or something I can help troubleshoot.
[4] First host:
Error: 'path to storage domain 35ff13aa-7ff1-4add-9869-651267e36921 not
found in /rhev/data-center/mnt' - trying to restart agent
[followed by agent existing after too many retries]
Second host:
Exception: Failed to start monitoring domain (sd_uuid=35ff13aa-
7ff1-4add-9869-651267e36921, host_id=2): timeout during domain
10 years, 8 months
oVirt 3.5 2 nd test day report(1124458, 1124318, 1124340, 1124346, 1124354, 1124360, 1124363, 1124364)
by Eli Mesika
2 x VM 2cpu 4GB ram (Fedora 19, CentOS 6.5)
Network configuration: Single NIC without bonding / vlans
Storage configurations: NFS v3 ISO and data domain
* History DB should sync user's first and last name for user usage tables. (BZ 1091687)
test result: partly passed
Add a user from AD => passed
Change user details => passed
Delete a user => Not passed opened BZ 1124458
Other Bugs Opened :
Eli Mesika
10 years, 8 months
[QE][ACTION NEEDED] oVirt 3.5.0 RC status
by Sandro Bonazzola
We're going to compose oVirt 3.5.0 RC on Mon * 2014-08-04 08:00 UTC*.
- Please be sure that 3.5 snapshot allow to create VMs before *2014-08-03 15:00 UTC*
- Please be sure that no pending patches are going to block the release before *2014-08-03 15:00 UTC*
- If any patch must block the RC release please raise the issue as soon as possible.
The bug tracker [1] shows the following proposed blockers to be reviewed:
Bug ID Whiteboard Status Summary
1115152 infra ASSIGNED Cannot edit or create block storage doamin when using jsonrpc
1115044 infra POST Host stuck in "Unassinged" state when using jsonrpc and disconnection from pool failed
1124141 infra ASSIGNED StackOverflowError during fencing operation
1114987 network ASSIGNED Cannot start VM | The host did not satisfy internal filter Network because network(s) are missing.
1122592 node NEW ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm >= 0.2.0 is needed for oVirt 3.5
1124099 storage POST Live Merge: Limit merge operations based on hosts' capabilities
Feature freeze is now effective, and branch has been created.
All new patches must be backported to 3.5 branch too.
Features completed are marked in green on Features Status Table [2]
There are still 397 bugs [3] targeted to 3.5.0.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we still have 349 bugs [4] targeted to 3.5.0.
Maintainers / Assignee:
- Please check ensure that completed features are marked in green on Features Status Table [2]
- Please remember to rebuild your packages before *2014-08-03 15:00* if needed, otherwise nightly snapshot will be taken.
- If you find a blocker bug please remember to add it to the tracker [1]
- Please fill release notes, the page has been created here [5]
- Please review and add test cases to oVirt 3.5 Third Test Day [6]
- thanks for having joined the second test day we had yesterday
- save the date for third test day scheduled on 2014-08-12!
- You're welcome to join us testing next beta release and getting involved in oVirt Quality Assurance[7]
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
10 years, 8 months
[QE][ACTION NEEDED] oVirt 3.4.4 RC status
by Sandro Bonazzola
We're going to start composing oVirt 3.4.4 RC on *2014-09-09 08:00 UTC* from 3.4 branch.
- Please be sure that 3.4 snapshot allow to create VMs before *2014-09-08 15:00 UTC*
- Please be sure that no pending patches are going to block the release before *2014-09-08 15:00 UTC*
- If any patch must block the RC release please raise the issue as soon as possible.
A bug tracker [1] has been opened and shows no open blockers.
There are still 14 bugs [2] targeted to 3.4.4.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we still have 7 bugs [3] targeted to 3.4.4.
Bug ID Whiteboard Status Summary
1124413 infra POST Calendar table is created incorrectly for certain time zones.
1048880 network NEW [vdsm][openstacknet] Migration fails for vNIC using OVS + security groups
1112688 network NEW [Neutron integration] Log collection is missing for Neutron appliance
1001186 network NEW With AIO installer and NetworkManager enabled, the ovirtmgmt bridge is not properly configured
1023481 node ASSIGNED Sane and working default libvirt config
910701 node ASSIGNED Remove persistent-net-naming hack
1097735 node NEW "Reboot" button failed to work in progress_page with serial console to install ovirt-node iso.
969340 node NEW Migrate ovirt-node-installer backend and ovirt-auto-install backend to new code base
753306 node NEW SR-IOV support
988341 node NEW Should not create bond when report an error in configuration process
995321 node NEW remove existing efi entries "oVirt Node Hypervisor" in UEFI menu failed
1059309 sla NEW [events] 'Available memory of host $host (...) under defined threshold...' is logged only once
1111655 storage NEW Disks imported from Export Domain to Data Domain are converted to Preallocated after upgrade from oVirt 3.4.1 to 3.4.2
1070890 virt NEW Run vm with odd number of cores drop libvirt error
Maintainers / Assignee:
- Please add the bugs to the tracker if you think that 3.4.4 should not be released without them fixed.
- Please update the target to 3.5.0 or later for bugs that won't be in 3.4.4:
it will ease gathering the blocking bugs for next releases.
- Please fill release notes, the page has been created here [4]
- If you're testing oVirt 3.4 nightly snapshot, please add yourself to the test page [5]
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
10 years, 8 months
[ovirt-devel] oVirt 3.5 beta2 - results
by Piotr Kliczewski
Hi all,
I tested gluster related features:
Nagios Integration ->
I installed Nagios dependencies on f20 which went smoothly but when I
did the same for rhel6 I noticed that I had to install manually
additional rpm which was not covered by howto.
During discovery of the Nagios server I got following issue:
[root@rhel gluster]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/gluster/ -c
Default -H
Failed to execute NRPE command 'discover_volume_list' in host ''
Error : Make sure NPRE server in host '' is configured to
accept requests from Nagios server
so I followed
Nagios server reported status of the cluster. When I had configured
first nagios server I saw:
"OK : None of the Volumes in the cluster are in Critical State "
but for the second there was:
I followed howto and installed oVirt UI plugin but after restart I was
not able to see monitoring details tab so I opened:
Volume performance stats ->
I reused already existing setup. I enabled stats and added a volume.
When checking stats details I saw "could not fetch stats".
I wanted to generate some stats so I mount volume previously created using:
mount -t nfs /media/volume
I had to redo it several times do to:
mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported
After several attempts I lost connectivity to the machine. After host
recovered I tried to run:
mount -o mountproto=tcp -t nfs /media/volume
but the result was the same.
I opened:
I checked whether gluster still works with jsonrpc. I removed the host
that I installed before and added new one using jsonrpc protocol.
After the installation I noticed that host was moved to Non-Operation
state. In the logs I found:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "101bf460-6529-42d6-9370-a9629daad628",
"error": {"message": "The method does not exist / is not available.",
"code": -32601}}
I checked what was the reason and there was no module so I opened:
10 years, 8 months
oVirt 3.5 2nd test day report: 1124143, 1124379, 1124688
by Vered Volansky
This is a summation of Yoav's work as well as mine (some apart, some in parallel, and some together):
1063064 - Allow big ranges in MacPoolManager
1063064 - add an explanation tool-tip to the 'Feedback' button
1083065 - EL 7 guest compatibility
Work with existing up-to-date engine and vdsm from snapshot repo -
Started by installing RHEL7 on an appropriate VM.
Had several issues with actual installation, reported on - - faulty free-space recognition on disk when installing on virtual machine. - installer options are invalid for no reason
Finally managed to work-around the issues and installation had started.
Was very very slow. Verified there shouldn't be anything interrupting this.
At this point tried to work with VMs, but couldn't get the SPICE console to work (BTW, initally SPICE didn't work on the VM in the local environment as well. It then just miraculously started to work).
Then tried master again (another environment, let the installation complete on the other VM's installation, but this version of engine did not work).
Also opened bz1124143 .
10 years, 8 months
oVirt 3.5 2 nd test day report- make ovirt easy configurable to allow redirection of all logs to syslog
by Alona Kaplan
I"ve re-tested this feature on f19 and f20.
fileappender and syslogappender were tested separately and in parallel.
Everything seems to work fine.
ovirt-engine-extension-logger-log4j is still not part of the build and had to be built manually.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Alona Kaplan" <alkaplan(a)>
To: devel(a)
Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2014 9:14:52 AM
Subject: ovirt test day report - make ovirt easy configurable to allow redirection of all logs to syslog
During the test day I tested -
Bug 1078738 - OVIRT35 - [RFE] make ovirt easy configurable to allow redirection of all logs to syslog
There was no feature page so it was very hard to understand how this feature should be tested.
The build contains only a patch that tailors the api to the engine.
abarlev sent me an external rpm with the syslog extension- tested it on f19, seems to work fine.
10 years, 8 months