Performance issue to retrieve VM's after upgrading engine from 4.2 to 4.3
by Jonas Lindholm
This is a weird issue.
Before upgrading it took 8-9 seconds to retrieve all VM's, 1230, using /ovirt-engine/api/vms URI. After the upgrade it now takes over 2 minutes.
Query other items such as hosts, clusters, data centers etc is fast and the same speed as prior the upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3
I don't know if this is DB related or jboss related but any clue where to start to dig deeper is welcome.
I also built a new VM and restored the DB's and ran engine-setup, but that new engine also gets more or less exactly the same response times for the VM's using the restAPI.
I have another engine with same version, That only have 261 VMs but those are retrieved within 1-2 seconds only so I don't understand how that engine is so much faster than the one I upgraded.
The UI also has the same long response times to show VM's from Compute -> Virtual Machines
Any idea what could cause this?
3 years, 10 months
by Ariez Ahito
last dec i installed hosted-engine seems to be working, we can migrate the engine to different host. but we need to reinstall everything because of gluster additional configuration.
so we did installed hosted-engine. but as per checking. we cannot migrate the engine to other hosts. and the ovirt-ha-agent and ovirt-ha-broker is status is inactive (dead) what are we missing?
3 years, 10 months
VM templates
by Robert Tongue
Another weird issue over here. I have the latest oVirt running inside VMware Vcenter, as a proof of concept/testing platform. Things are working well finally, for the most part, however I am noticing strange behavior with templates, and deployed VMs from that template. Let me explain:
I created a basic Ubuntu Server VM, captured that VM as a template, then deployed 4 VMs from that template. The deployment went fine; however I can only start 3 of the 4 VMs. If I shut one down one of the 3 that I started, I can then start the other one that refused to start, then the one I JUST shut down will then refuse to start. The error is:
VM test3 is down with error. Exit message: Bad volume specification {'device': 'disk', 'type': 'disk', 'diskType': 'file', 'specParams': {}, 'alias': 'ua-2dc7fbff-da30-485d-891f-03a0ed60fd0a', 'address': {'bus': '0', 'controller': '0', 'unit': '0', 'type': 'drive', 'target': '0'}, 'domainID': '804c6a0c-b246-4ccc-b3ab-dd4ceb819cea', 'imageID': '2dc7fbff-da30-485d-891f-03a0ed60fd0a', 'poolID': '3208bbce-5e04-11eb-9313-00163e281c6d', 'volumeID': 'f514ab22-07ae-40e4-9146-1041d78553fd', 'path': '/rhev/data-center/3208bbce-5e04-11eb-9313-00163e281c6d/804c6a0c-b246-4ccc-b3ab-dd4ceb819cea/images/2dc7fbff-da30-485d-891f-03a0ed60fd0a/f514ab22-07ae-40e4-9146-1041d78553fd', 'discard': True, 'format': 'cow', 'propagateErrors': 'off', 'cache': 'none', 'iface': 'scsi', 'name': 'sda', 'bootOrder': '1', 'serial': '2dc7fbff-da30-485d-891f-03a0ed60fd0a', 'index': 0, 'reqsize': '0', 'truesize': '2882392576', 'apparentsize': '3435134976'}.
The underlying storage is GlusterFS, self-managed outside of oVirt.
I can provide any logs needed, please let me know which. Thanks in advance.
3 years, 10 months
metrics-store-installation.yml does not exist
Hi to all. There is some problem with metric storage installation on oVirt (v4.4.4.7-1.el8).
According to all manuals (both overt and red hat) I have to run ovirt-metrics-store-installation.yml Ansible playbook. But it doesn’t exist.
# hostname
# pwd
> --playbook=ovirt-metrics-store-installation.yml --ask-vault-pass
ERROR! the playbook: playbooks/ovirt-metrics-store-installation.yml could not be found
# ls -1 playbooks/
Also I have no luck to find this playbook in GutHub. Help me please.
3 years, 10 months
Gluster Storage
Hi, Am new using oVirt and i would like to know if i could deploy oVirt and be able to use it to deploy and manage Gluster storage.
3 years, 10 months
Red Hat 8.3 install error
I'm trying to install a RH 8.3 VM, but during installation always get this error:
anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dasbus/client/", line 497, in _handle_method_error
raise exception from None
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dasbus/client/", line 477, in _get_method_reply
return self._handle_method_error(error)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dasbus/client/", line 447, in _call_method
No problem when installing Centos 8.3
Ovirt version Version
Any idea?
Jose Ferradeira
3 years, 10 months
split brain scenario?
by Henry lol
according to HA VM documentation, a paused VM may be started on another
host and later resumed on the original host.
here, I'm assuming the HA VM was paused due to I/O error.
but I'm wondering how it can happen because I guess the HA VM will be
restarted on another host only after it's completely killed from the
original host.
can you give the split brain scenario?
3 years, 10 months
How to configure Power Management Fence Protocol for Libvirtd VM ?
by tommy
Hi, everyone:
My test env is running on Ubuntu Libvirtd server, I configure the QEMU VM as
Physical Host, the hosts list is:
root@ubts1:~# virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh # list
Id Name State
24 3.ooengh1 running
25 3.ooengh2 running
root@ubts2:~# virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh # list
Id Name State
26 3.ohost1 running
27 3.ohost2 running
28 3.ohost3 running
The ooengh1 and ooengh2 are configured for hosted-engine, and ohst1 ohost2
ohost3 are configured for KVM server.
Now, I want to test the Power Management service using my test env, how can
I choose the fence protocol ?
3 years, 10 months
static IP assignment to VM
by Henry lol
I'm trying to use Cloud-Init for assigning static IP to the guest, is there
any other way commonly used?
and in order to assign IP using cloud-init, "In-guest Network Interface
Name" field should be filled but how to know that name in advance?
3 years, 10 months