[Guide] PXE Booting the oVirt Node 4.5 installer
by nroach44@nroach44.id.au
Hi All,
I thought I'd post this since there's a few extra steps specific to oVirt Node.
Note: This will install in BIOS / MBR / CSM mode, not EFI, so you won't get Secure Boot.
Assuming that you already have a DHCP, TFTP, HTTP servers configured to PXE boot.
Extract the oVirt Node 4.5 ISO to a folder in your TFTP and HTTP server's working folders - images/pxeboot/vmlinuz, images/pxeboot/initrd.img need to be accessible via TFTP, and the whole ISO (more or less) needs to be accessible via HTTP.
I've setup the HTTP and TFTP servers to point at /srv/data/tftp/root, and then extracted the ISO to os/onn45.
Copy / edit the interactive-defaults.ks to update the liveimg line to point to the squashfs.img via http:
liveimg --url=
You can add things in here to set defaults, if you want:
# Keyboard layouts
keyboard --xlayouts='au'
# System language
lang en_AU.UTF-8
# Set starting timezone and NTP server
timezone Australia/Perth --isUtc --ntpservers=
Once that is saved, edit your pxelinux.cfg/default:
LABEL onn45
MENU LABEL ^oVirt Node 4.5
KERNEL os/onn45/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=os/onn45/images/pxeboot/initrd.img inst.stage2= inst.ks=
Make sure you set the IP addresses and paths are updated to match your setup.
Once that's done, you should be able to boot the installer over PXE and install oVirt Node on the machine.
2 years, 6 months
Ovirt node Virus scan
by marcel d'heureuse
I have to scan our 18 nodes with a virus scanner and I have to provide the report to our ito.
This nodes have no internet connection and they will not get it.
Which software I should use? Clamav?
I can shutdown each single node and can scan but I would prefer to have it as cmd running and generate monthly or weekly reports. I don't want to have the daemon running.
How did you do this?
2 years, 6 months ovirt hosted-engine deployment fails
by Mohamed Roushdy
I’ve researched a bit about this problem, but none of the proposed solutions fixed it. I’m trying to deploy Ovirt in my lab, and the installation fails with the following error:
I’ve even tried to delete the default network bridge (as suggested in some articles), but this didn’t help either. The node has 3 network interfaces, and the hosts file points only to the management interface.
Thank you,
2 years, 6 months
I'm having problems deploying hosted-engine ovirt4.3 on oracle linux 7.9 OS.
by natchawi28@gmail.com
I'd like to attach a picture for you to look at.
message in log
TASK [ovirt.engine-setup : Run engine-setup with answerfile]
changed: [localhost -> engine.testlab.local]
TASK [ovirt.engine-setup : Make sure `ovirt-engine` service is running]
ok: [localhost -> engine.testlab.local]
TASK [ovirt.engine-setup : Check if Engine health page is up]
ERROR otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:107 fatal: [localhost -> engine.testlab.local]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 12, "changed": false, "msg": "Failed to validate the SSL certificate for localhost:443. Make sure your managed systems have a valid CA certificate installed. You can use validate_certs=False if you do not need to confirm the servers identity but this is unsafe and not recommended. Paths checked for this platform: /etc/ssl/certs, /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem, /etc/pki/tls/certs, /usr/share/ca-certificates/cacert.org, /etc/ansible. The exception msg was: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:618).", "status": -1, "url": "http://localhost/ovirt-engine/services/health"}
Is there anything that I need to change Or what do I need to prepare?
2 years, 6 months
unable to upgrade engine to 4.4.10 from 4.4.8
by Diggy Mc
I am unable to upgrade my hosted engine from version 4.4.8 to 4.4.10. I suspect the problem is because of the obsolescence of CentOS Linux 8.
DNF gives me the following error:
CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist
This is the list of repositories on my engine:
appstream CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream
baseos CentOS Linux 8 - BaseOS
extras CentOS Linux 8 - Extras
ovirt-4.4 Latest oVirt 4.4 Release
ovirt-4.4-advanced-virtualization Advanced Virtualization packages for x86_64
ovirt-4.4-centos-ceph-pacific Ceph packages for x86_64
ovirt-4.4-centos-gluster8 CentOS-8 - Gluster 8
ovirt-4.4-centos-nfv-openvswitch CentOS-8 - NFV OpenvSwitch
ovirt-4.4-centos-opstools CentOS-8 - OpsTools - collectd
ovirt-4.4-centos-ovirt44 CentOS-8 - oVirt 4.4
ovirt-4.4-copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:sac:gluster-ansible Copr repo for gluster-ansible owned by sac
ovirt-4.4-copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:sbonazzo:EL8_collection Copr repo for EL8_collection owned by sbonazzo
ovirt-4.4-epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
ovirt-4.4-openstack-victoria OpenStack Victoria Repository
ovirt-4.4-virtio-win-latest virtio-win builds roughly matching what will be shipped in upcoming RHEL
powertools CentOS Linux 8 - PowerTools
Your guidance on how to proceed is much appreciated. Thanks.
2 years, 6 months
Q: Cluster compatibility Level and Old v4.2 Nodes
by Andrei Verovski
I have quite old nodes from early 4.x era (with CentOS 7.6, cluster compatibility 4.2 level), and oVirt Engine 4.4.
2 nodes have ovirt-release42.
Upgrade to oVirt Engine 4.5 engine required cluster compatibility >= 4.3 level.
Nodes have been installed with stock CentOS 7.6, not oVirt node image, their upgrade is quite problematic right now.
Is it possible to upgrade to cluster compatibility 4.3 while having old 4.2 nodes?
Thanks in advance.
2 years, 6 months
Storage Domain cloned on iscsi storage and import into oVirt
by Gianluca Gargiulo
we have this problem:
- Storage Domain iSCSI with a lot of VMs
- on iSCSI SAN there is a iSCSI Target with LUN, snapshotted
We need to revert only one VM from snapshot.
If i revert the snapshot on LUN we revert also other VMs.
If i clone the snapshot in the other LUN and attach it to another iscsi
target, oVirt can't import "new" storage domain, becouse the
VolumeGroupID is same, also
2 years, 6 months
oVirt Engine Deployment, Networking and Nested Virtualization with VMware Fusion 12.x
by mail@sunilpatel.co.uk
I'm just writing my experiences in case others have come across similar issues or have a similar configuration.
I have a single PC, well iMac, home lab environment with VMware Fusion 12.x for Virtualisation. I have tried to setup oVirt 4.5 as a self-hosted engine, deployed on an oVirt 4.5.0 node VM (with nested virtualisation) and the engine deployment fails at this point:
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Get local VM IP]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 90, "changed": true, "cmd": "virsh -r net-dhcp-leases default | grep -i 00:16:3e:36:90:88 | awk '{ print $5 }' | cut -f1 -d'/'", "delta": "0:00:00.052065", "end": "2022-04-27 21:12:08.176323", "msg": "", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-04-27 21:12:08.124258", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
This seems to be the point where the oVirt Engine has gone though an initial deployment and Ansible is trying to get the IP of the ovirt engine to resume configuration and testing. I believe the VM is running on the oVirt node at this point and there is a Linux bridge between the oVirt node and engine VM. The oVirt node itself has two vNICs, one as the oVirt management network and a second unconfigured NIC to be used for Gluster storage. I access oVirt nodes and Cockpit via a "client" linux VM also on the oVirt management network.
It feels like it's this Linux bridge and networking which is not working correctly and causing the deployment to fail. This could be due to the fact that I'm using a virtualised NIC and while promiscuous mode and perhaps some other features are sort-of supported, features needed for this kind of complex networking are not. This is despite the network I'm using being an internal one without the iMAC host connected. WAN connections for oVirt are via a NAT gateway/firewall VM that has the LAN side on the oVirt management network and the WAN side using a bridge with the hosts's NIC (wifi in my case).
I did get similar results when I tried to set up OpenStack Neutron Networking; I could not get traffic to cross the Linux Bridge from one Compute Node VM to another. There are a small handful of results of other people coming across this same issue/error and many of them are also using nested Virtualisation either in ESXi, VirtualBox etc
The Linux Bridge created by the oVirt engine deployment is (from Cockpit):
virbr0Bridge 52:54:00:8F:28:3A
Status, fe80:0:0:0:5054:ff:fe8f:283a/64, fd00:1234:5678:900:0:0:0:1/64
Connect automatically
Address fd00:1234:5678:900:0:0:0:1/64
Spanning tree protocol
Forward delay 2
I have actually seen traffic cross this bridge while watching the stats as the engine was being deployed.
If anyone has experienced this problem before and is certain it is due to having a virtualised network, then please let me know. Alternatively, if there is a workaround, that would be great, otherwise I can do more troubleshooting on request but it does feel like this is ultimately a problem related to the platform I'm using - which would not be encountered in a production environment.
2 years, 6 months
Q: Non-Operational Node Hosts - Ghost Network Problem
by Andrei Verovski
I run into nasty and unexpected problem (oVirt ) and 2 non-operational node hosts, which seem relate to ghost network glitch.
Everything worked fine for a very long time until I did the following.
1) Made a backup of several VMs which have network “CloudLink-ISP2”.
2) Moved VM disks into another node hosts, which don’t have link “CloudLink-ISP2”, and forgot (preliminary to move) to re-configure network interface (remove link to “CloudLink-ISP2”) as I did before..
3) Now I have 2 hosts in non-operational mode which is a really big problem - there are only 3 nodes total in a cluster.
I tried to fix this by adding 3rd network “CloudLink-ISP2” to each non-operational hosts, and connected ethernet interfaces to a switch.
Unfortunately, it didn’t helped either because for whatever reason link did not go up.
How I can remove any reference to “CloudLink-ISP2” from node11 and node14? They don’t have any VMs needed that “CloudLink-ISP2”. I edited even inactive VMs and removed “CloudLink-ISP2”.
May be there is an option to ignore missing or downed links whn activating node hosts?
Thanks in advance for any help.
2022-04-27 11:16:59,769+03 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SetNonOperationalVdsCommand] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-51) [5ab20328] Host 'node14' is set to Non-Operational, it is missing the following networks: 'CloudLink-ISP2'
2022-04-27 11:16:59,790+03 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-51) [5ab20328] EVENT_ID: VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_NETWORK(519), Host node14 does not comply with the cluster ClusterRiga11 networks, the following networks are missing on host: 'CloudLink-ISP2'
2022-04-27 11:16:59,884+03 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-51) [55610e1e] EVENT_ID: VDS_DETECTED(13), Status of host node14 was set to NonOperational.
2022-04-27 11:16:59,907+03 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring.HostMonitoring] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-51) [5d6ef791] Host 'node14'(aa871d44-94e2-4fdb-aeb3-ca0ae8dc568f) is already in NonOperational status for reason 'NETWORK_UNREACHABLE'. SetNonOperationalVds command is skipped.
2022-04-27 11:12:26,050+03 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SetNonOperationalVdsCommand] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-19) [5400352e] Host 'node11' is set to Non-Operational, it is missing the following networks: 'CloudLink-ISP2'
2022-04-27 11:12:26,070+03 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-19) [5400352e] EVENT_ID: VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_NETWORK(519), Host node11 does not comply with the cluster ClusterRiga11 networks, the following networks are missing on host: 'CloudLink-ISP2'
2022-04-27 11:12:26,192+03 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-19) [57d79e54] EVENT_ID: VDS_DETECTED(13), Status of host node11 was set to NonOperational.
2022-04-27 11:12:26,214+03 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring.HostMonitoring] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-19) [151821e3] Host 'node11'(3c854f9c-2cdd-423e-bca0-37964ba76702) is already in NonOperational status for reason 'NETWORK_UNREACHABLE'. SetNonOperationalVds command is skipped.
2022-04-27 11:51:10,539+03 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsManager] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-62) [] Clearing domains data for host node14
2022-04-27 11:51:10,539+03 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring.HostMonitoring] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-62) [] Host 'node14' moved to Non-Operational state because interface/s which are down are needed by required network/s in the current cluster: 'eno3 (CloudLink-ISP2)'
2022-04-27 11:51:10,569+03 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-62) [] EVENT_ID: VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_IFACE_DOWN(603), Host node14 moved to Non-Operational state because interfaces which are down are needed by required networks in the current cluster: 'eno3 (CloudLink-ISP2)'.
2 years, 6 months