cpu pinning validation failed - virtual cpu does not exist in vm
by parallax
server with two Gold 6346
this message appears when trying pin any cores after 14 core:
"cpu pinning validation failed - virtual cpu does not exist in vm"
"Count Threads As Cores" is disabled
pinning cores from 9 to 15 goes well
6 months, 3 weeks
console certificate is not trusted
by suporte@logicworks.pt
I just install last ovirt version ( Version 4.5.6-1.el9) using CentOS Stream 9.
When trying to access the console get this error message: The certificate is not trusted.
I'm using self signed certificate.
Any idea?
Jose Ferradeira
6 months, 3 weeks
oVirt networks
by Enrico Becchetti
Dear all,
Ineed your help to understand how to configure the network of a new
oVirt cluster.
Mynew system will have a 4.3 engine thatruns in a virtual machine, andsome
Dell R7525 AMD EPYC hypervisors, eachholding two 4-port PCI network cards.
These servers will have node-ovirt image again in version 4.3.
As for the network, there are two HPE Aruba 2540G, non-stackable, with
24 1Gbs ports
and 2 10Gbs uplinks to the star center.
This is a simplified scheme:
My goal is to make the most of the server's 8 ethernet interfaces to have
both reliability and maximum possible throughput.
This cluster will have two virtual networks, one forovirt management and
one for
the traffic of individual virtual machines.
With that said here's what my idea is. I would like to have two links
aggregated by 4Gbs,
one for ovrtmgt and the other for vmnet.
With the ovirt web interface I can createan active-passive "Mode 1"
bond, but this
won'tallow me to go beyond 1Gbs. Alternatively I could create a "Mode 4"
802.3ad but unfortunately the switches are not stacked and therefore not
this solution applies.
This is an example with active passive configuration:
Can you tell me if ovirt can generate//nested bonds? Or do you have
other solutions ?
Thanks a lot !
Best Regards
Enrico Becchetti Servizio di Calcolo e Reti
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Perugia
Via Pascoli,c/o Dipartimento di Fisica 06123 Perugia (ITALY)
Phone:+39 075 5852777 Skype:enrico_becchetti
Mail: Enrico.Becchetti<at>pg.infn.it
Pagina web personale: https://www.pg.infn.it/home/enrico-becchetti/
7 months
boot from cdrom & error code 0005
by edp@maddalena.it
I have created a new storage domain (data domain, storage type nfs) to use it to upload iso images.
I have so uploaded a new iso and then attach the iso to a new vm.
But when I try to boot the vm I obtain this error:
booting from dvd/cd...
boot failed: could not read from cdrom (code 0005)
no bootable device
The iso file has been uploaded with success in the data storage domain and so the vm lets my attach the iso to the vm in the boot settings.
Can you help me?
Thank you
7 months, 1 week
VM start order
by Sergei Panchenko
Good morning!
Is there any way to configure VM start order? For example, I would like to make it so VM3 starts only after VM2 starts and VM2 starts only after VM1 starts. I know about run/migrate priority, but it is the other scenario.
7 months, 2 weeks
Unable to add logical interface
by Jeremy Tourville
I have a single host that was added to my cluster and operational. My management engine is running in a separate, dedicated pc. When making some network changes and testing them, I made the mistake of removing the virtual interface using nmtui on the host. Now when I try to add the logical network to the host again, I get an error message: "Operation cancelled Error while executing action: Cannot setup Networks. Operation can be performed only when Host status is Maintenance, Up, Non-Operational."
My host is configured so that:
Eth0 is ovirtmgmt
Eth1 is storage
The system is hyperconverged. I am getting the correct IP/subnets on each NIC.
What do I need to do to add the logical network back to the host?
8 months
Recommendation for iSCSI configuration
by De Lee
I'm currently running the platform with following version and facing the issue with iSCSI timeout issue during the network switch maintenance.
oVirt Version 4.5
oVirt manager : Redhat 9.0
oVirt node : Rocky 9.4
Here's a drawing of the topology:
| Storage |
+---------------+ | |
| | 10GbE Links
| |
+---------------+ +---------------+
| Nexus 5k #1 | | Nexus 5k #2 |
+---------------+ +---------------+ | |
| | 10GbE Links
| |
| oVirt 4.5 |
I've configured the oVirt nodes without bonding,it works like one NIC assigned with vLANX with IP .3 and another NIC assigned with vLANX with IP .4. I could see actively only NIC is utilizing the iSCSI traffic(without ISCSI Bond).
I would like to utilize both NIC traffic Active-Active mode what is the topology to follow? [iSCSI in LACP is not recommended for iscsi traffic which read from blog].Correct me if I'm wrong.
When actively used NIC connected switch reboot,the iscsi traffic which over to another nic takes almost 30 seconds.Can I reduce the failover of NIC timing from 30 seconds to 3 seconds something like that? I don't see the lapsed timeout behaviour in CentOS 8 but rocky9 behaviors differently.
Any suggestions or recommendation?
8 months
Why all environment fall if one storage domain going down?
by Kalil de A. Carvalho
Hello all.
Can any one tell me why all environment fall if we lost one domain storage?
In my company we have many NFS storages and if just one going down, been
rebooted, all host fail.
What we realized, I do not know if it is true, is if one host can´t
communicate with the storage it will be rebooted or if the use of memory is
too high it will be rebooted too.
Are those two impressions real?
Best regards
Kalil de A. Carvalho
8 months