VM frozen during snapshot removing
by Kalil de A. Carvalho
Hello all.
In my company we have a oVirt 4.5.4-1.el9 running and a Vinchin Backup &
Recovery 8.0 as a backup solution.
A strange situation. Same VM's stopping working, frozen, when the
snaphost it is been removing. And when this happened we must kill the
process directly in the host because we can't do this on oVirt web
I just found some information on message log, notting on vdsm or libvirt
logs. Here what is in the message log:
Aug 13 21:49:26 HOST libvirtd[5304]: Cannot start job (modify, none, none)
in API remoteDispatchDomainSetSchedulerParameters for domain VM; current
job is (query, none, none) owned by (5332
remoteDispatchConnectGetAllDomainStats, 0 <null>, 0 <null> (flags=0x0)) for
(45s, 0s, 0s)
Aug 13 21:49:56 HOST libvirtd[5304]: Cannot start job (modify, none, none)
in API remoteDispatchDomainSetSchedulerParameters for domain VM; current
job is (query, none, none) owned by (5332
remoteDispatchConnectGetAllDomainStats, 0 <null>, 0 <null> (flags=0x0)) for
(75s, 0s, 0s)
Has anyone passed for this situation?
Bast regards.
Kalil de A. Carvalho
3 months, 1 week
moving VMs from old oVirt to new
by Diggy Mc
Since export domains have been deprecated starting with oVirt v4.4, what is the preferred/best method for moving VMs from an old oVirt environment into a new oVirt environment? The two environments are totally independent of each other and therefore need an intermediary.
3 months, 1 week
VM start order
by Sergei Panchenko
Good morning!
Is there any way to configure VM start order? For example, I would like to make it so VM3 starts only after VM2 starts and VM2 starts only after VM1 starts. I know about run/migrate priority, but it is the other scenario.
3 months, 1 week
REST API query events by Date/Time
by itsavant@gmail.com
After looking through all the documentation here: https://ovirt.github.io/ovirt-engine-api-model/4.5
I don't see a way to query the REAST API for events GET /ovirt-engine/api/events;from={event_id}?search={query} by datetime
Any ideas would be great.
Also bonus question I do see that I can query by a set of objects (like cluster, data_center, storage_domain, etc) like this:
GET "ovirt-engine/api/events?search=$($Item)%3D$($SearchText)" however searching by "host" kicks out an error, I'm wondering if there is a code error in the DB or the REST engine. Thoughts?
3 months, 1 week
Linux virtual desktop get reboot if we migrate from 1 ovhost to another ovhost inside Ovirt 4.4 cluster
by aprameyan a.r
Hello All,
we have Ovirt 4.4 cluster running with 25 OVHOST servers handling 800+ users' Virtual desktops.
- All users VDT are running with CentOS OS.
- before we were using CentOS for the OVHOST server as we don't have support, now we are using ALMA8.6 for the base OS & updating Ovirt 4.4 packages.
- now we are seeing a new issue if we migrate any user's VDT between the OVHOSt server. user VDT is rebooting & coming up on the new server..
Let us know if anyone is seeing this kind of issue on the Ovirt cluster.
3 months, 2 weeks