Hi Robert,
This is a problem:
1 a) the active x plugin for windows/ie is not yet released.
1 b) the XPI plugin is linux-only (and effectively firefox-only but I
think that patches for Chrome/Webkit compatibility will be welcome)
2) for Ubuntu, you'd need at least first of these two geting merged in
Debian and then wait half year for Ubuntu to leech it:
(the second is technically not necessary but given that spicec is being
discontinued and all the development takes there...)
Alternatively, you could get spice-xpi for ubuntu from PPAs.
Robert Middleswarth píše v St 06. 06. 2012 v 14:50 -0400:
I like spice under Fedora but most of my users use windows. A few
Kubuntu none user Fedora at this time. I like ovirt and have been
testing it for some time. 3.1 looks really good and all my tests have
been working well if I can fix the console issues we would be bring
ovirt into production but until we can find a way for the admin team to
be able to access console oVirt is a no go.
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David Jaša, RHCE
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