but when i run this command:
I am had this error mensagem:
ansible-playbook: error: no such option: --playbook
my version:
Anyone can help me?
2018-03-22 16:28 GMT-03:00 Christopher Cox <ccox(a)endlessnow.com>:
On 03/21/2018 10:41 PM, Terry hey wrote:
> Dear all,
> Now, we can just read how many storage used, cpu usage on ovirt dashboard.
> But is there any monitoring tool for monitoring virtual machine time to
> time?
> If yes, could you guys give me the procedure?
A possible option, for a full OS with network connectivity, is to monitor
the VM like you would any other host.
We use omd/check_mk.
Right now there isn't an oVirt specific monitor plugin for check_mk.
I know what I said is probably pretty obvious, but just in case.
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