After my many issues with spice I have finally sorted them out.
Now I am having an issue with the speed of virtual disk creation - when I
go to create a virtual disk it takes a long time (far to long to be usable)
My setup is as following
3 servers:-
1 Frontend (ovirt engine) - Fedora 16 - external + local IP
(91.215.xxx.xx +
1 Ovirt node (using the node .iso) - external + local IP (ovirtmgmt
(eth0) - 91.215.xxx.xxx and LAN (eth1) -
1 NFS storage - external + local IP - I attached the storage using the
Local IP (
All servers are connected via a Gigabit switch (so speed should be better)
I can scp between servers far faster - I'm almost sure its due to the
node ovirtmgmt
address being an external (internet ip) and not LAN ip. - therefore the
traffic is not just going over the gigabit switch but via the core router
in the DC...
Can anyone suggest how I can 'debug' where the slowness is coming from
On my NFS server I have it setup like (in /etc/exports)
/storage1 *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
I had previous tried setting up the node on a LAN IP previously and it
caused spice to not work - as the node had no internet access / DNS - I
also tried making the frontend server a gateway (and using - iptables -t
nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE ) - this also cause spice to not work (as
it always tried to connect to the 10.0.0.x address from my desktop - and
Any hints/help will be welcomed