Sorry, forgot the link in [1]:
On 14.11.2014 15:11, Daniel Helgenberger wrote:
Hello Harald,
welcome to the ovirt mailing list!
On 14.11.2014 14:35, Harald Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a oVirt newbie. I have installed oVirt Engine using Fedora 20 and the Qick
> Start Guide it runs fine and manage it per web interface. Now is stuck at 2.2.1
Where exactly is the issue there? Please point to the exact doc you are
refeffing to.
There are several versions and flavors of ovirt (3.4 branch plus minor
version, 3.5 branch , nightlies; AllInOne, Hosted Engine, 'Normal'
Engine). For future posts, it is quite helpful if you supply this.
Also, be aware of some general oVirt terminology:
- The (oVirt) Engine is the controller and data collector for your guests,
- A 'Host' is generally a physical machine used to run guests on,
- Hosts are grouped together in clusters of similar hardware providing
migration and other capabilities,
- A Datacenter is a logical entity of clusters (hosts) and storage
connections, networks, disks, ect. shared between them;
- VDSM is the daemon running on the hosts to make this all happen;
imagine it as a super process for qemu processes.
> Install oVirt Node. I have installed the node hypervisor and it is working.
> BUT what is it good for?
> Whats the purpose of it?
The above said, you basically need a psychical or virtual machine for
the Engine and some additional hosts to run your guests (not true for
AllInOne; witch should IMHO only used for demo/lab purposes.
Imagine oVirt Node as something similar to EXi hypervisor; it is an imae
containing all the stuff you need to add a machine as host to ovirt. The
same can be achived by installing ovirt from the repos on a (preferring
minimal) CentOS, RHEL, Fedora install.
> Is a ¨node¨ a end user machine that uses a virtual machine?
> Finally i want a Windows 7 virtualistion.
There is no problem with that and Windows is very well supported as
guest OS.
For all of those, have a look on the excellent ovirt admin Guide [1].
This is still for oVirt 3.4 - but most of the stuff is true for 3.5 as well.
Have fun with oVirt!
> --
> Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
Daniel Helgenberger
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