Hello again,
Latest update: the engine is up and running (or at least the login portal).
[root@ovirt1 ~]# hosted-engine --check-livelinessHosted Engine is up!
I have found online the xml for the network:
[root@ovirt1 ~]# cat ovirtmgmt_net.xml <network>
<name>vdsm-ovirtmgmt</name> <forward mode='bridge'/>
<bridge name='ovirtmgmt'/> </network>
Sadly, I had to create a symbolic link to the main disk in /var/run/vdsm/storage , as it
was missing.
So, what's next.
Issues up to now:2 OVF - 0 bytesProblem with local copy of the HostedEngine config - used
xml from an old vdsm logMissing vdsm-ovirtmgmt definitionNo link for the main raw disk in
/var/run/vdsm/storage .
Can you hint me how to recover the 2 OVF tars now ?
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov