Very good news
Thanks for helping keep oVirt alive and up to date.
Good luck & bon courage !
*Guillaume Pavese *
Ingénieur exploitation cloud
*guillaume.pavese(a)* <guillaume.pavese(a)>
On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 5:37 PM Jean-Louis Dupond via Users <users(a)>
We've setup some alternative for the (dead) Zanata translation project
for oVirt.
You can find the Weblate setup on the following location:
So if somebody wants to add translations, feel free! :)
Will try to add translations for the other projects the coming days.
Next to that, we are working hard to get oVirt better!
If you want to help, feel free to open PR's or send me an mail.
A lot can be done, so you won't get bored.
Some things that we are looking into:
- Java updates
- Wildfly update
- AlmaLinux 10 / CentOS Stream 10 support
Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
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