Hi all,
We are trying to install the new release of OVIRT 4.2.6 on freshly installed machines
based on RHEL 7.5.
First of all, we encountered a strange error when install the ovirt-release42 package, it
adds the necessary public repositories on /etc/yum.repos.d/, but after do that, sometimes
when we try to update or install the other required packages we saw:
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: ovirt-4.2/$releasever
Why cannot configure this path variable automatically or what can influence to obtain this
In the other hand, when the repos sometimes are well configured and we can install the
packages correctly, we found other problems related to the deploy of the ovirt-engine (OVA
appliance based).
Trying through cockpit, we found this error:
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd":
["virt-install", "-n", "HostedEngineLocal",
"--os-variant", "rhel7", "--virt-type", "kvm",
"--memory", "16348", "--vcpus", "4",
"--network", "network=default,mac=00:16:3e:05:c3:66,model=virtio",
"--import", "--disk",
"--noautoconsole", "--rng", "/dev/random",
"--graphics", "vnc", "--video", "vga",
"--sound", "none", "--controller",
"usb,model=none", "--memballoon", "none",
"--boot", "hd,menu=off", "--clock",
"kvmclock_present=yes"], "delta": "0:00:02.122539",
"end": "2018-09-06 00:44:18.089510", "msg": "non-zero
return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2018-09-06
00:44:15.966971", "stderr":
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/__init__.py:91: RequestsDependencyWarning:
urllib3 (1.21.1) or chardet (2.2.1) doesn't match a supported version!\n
dencyWarning)\nERROR internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: qemu: could
not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin'\nDomain installation does not appear to have been
successful.\nIf it was, you can restart your domain by running:\n virsh --connect
qemu:///system start HostedEngineLocal\notherwise, please restart your
installation.", "stderr_lines":
RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.21.1) or chardet (2.2.1) doesn't match a
supported version!", " RequestsDependencyWarning)", "ERROR internal
error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: qemu: could not load PC BIOS
'bios-256k.bin'", "Domain installation does not appear to have been
successful.", "If it was, you can restart your domain by running:", "
virsh --connect qemu:///system start HostedEngineLocal", "otherwise, please
restart your installation."], "stdout": "\nStarting install...",
"stdout_lines": ["", "Starting install..."]}
Seem that it's related to Python packages versions (urllib3 and chardet), but we
wasn't sure about that. How could workaround this problem? Trying to install this
libraries manually?
We tried to found the same error over the Lists and Community, but we don't found some
info about that.
Thank for your help in advance.