On 01/25/2013 12:49 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
I've recently updated my
http://www.ovirt.org/User:Adrian15/oVirt_engine_migration oVirt engine migration howto
with the
Update VdcBootStrapUrl section.
My next move is to move this section into the
http://www.ovirt.org/How_to_change_engine_host_name How to change engine host name because
I think it's a needed step.
But I don't like that currently you have to issue a database update like this:
psql -c "update vdc_options set option_value =
'http://new.manager.com:80/Components/vds/' where option_name =
'VdcBootStrapUrl'" -U postgres engine
So I was wondering if there was a proper way like using a command like vdsClient or
something similar. I mean so that in the future the vdc_options table gets renamed that
the command is still the same.
I CC jhernand because I think he wrote the original "How to change engine host
name" at the mailing list and also answered with the VdcBootStrapUrl update sentence
to someone how couldn't add a new host after I think restoring an ovirt-engine.
The alternative to the SQL statement is the engine-config tool:
engine-config -s VdcBootStrapUrl=http://...
In version 3.2 this parameter has been removed.
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