On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 8:12 PM Николаев Алексей
<alexeynikolaev.post(a)yandex.ru> wrote:
Hi community!
I have issue when trying to restore hosted engine.
hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file=/opt/engine-backup.dump
If I not use --restore-from-file I can not correctly restore my hosted engine datacenter
and cluster. But another DCs restored fine.
If the source engine machine has DWH DB on the engine machine,
provisioned automatically by engine-setup, then above should not fail.
If it does, it might be a bug. Please check/share relevant logs. Thanks.
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment setup': Cannot connect to DWH
database using existing credentials: ovirt_engine_history@localhost:5432
I know that i can fix problem by editing PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf and set ACLs to trust.
Is any way to customize hosted engine appliance to replace pg_hba.conf to my version?
Is any way to pause deploy proccess and access to hosted engine VM to edit PostgreSQL
Yes, you can place a "enginevm_before_engine_setup" hook, it will be
ran before engine-setup.
Good luck and best regards,