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If the host is the only host in the cluster and I remove the host from
the cluster prior to the OS upgrade, is it still necessary to create a
new cluster?
Should I:
A) remove the host from the cluster and add the host to a new cluster
after the OS upgrade
B) remove the host from the cluster and add it to the same cluster after
OS upgrade
C) Keep the host in the cluster and choose the "reinstall" option after
the OS upgrade?
What does the "reinstall" option do?
Rik Theys
System Engineer
KU Leuven - Dept. Elektrotechniek (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2440 - B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
<<Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors>>
On Sun, 24 Apr 2016, Amit Aviram wrote:
Hi Rik.The flow should work, as long as the OS is supported by
However, you will still need to move it to a new cluster.
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Rik Theys <Rik.Theys(a)> wrote:
I'm looking for the best procedure to upgrade a host from CentOS 6 to
CentOS 7. The host is the only host in the oVirt data center (the engine
is running on another machine and manages multiple data centers).
For datacenters with multiple hosts I followed the following steps:
- Add new cluster
- Put host in maintenance
- Remove host from old cluster
- Reinstall host
- Add host to new cluster
- repeat for all hosts until old cluster is empty
This worked OK and the data center was never "non operational".
Is the procedure identical for a data center with only one host?
Should I also remove the host from the (only) cluster in the data
center, or should I reinstall it and select the "reinstall" option in
the oVirt web interface? Since there is only one host in the cluster
there's no need to create a new cluster?
Is there any state on the host that I should keep when performing the
reinstall with CentOS 7?
The host is using FC storage (local disks configured as FC through
Rik Theys
System Engineer
KU Leuven - Dept. Elektrotechniek (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2440 - B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
<<Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors>>
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