On Mon, Jul 06, 2015 at 10:33:59AM +0200, NUNIN Roberto wrote:
> Hi Dan
> Sorry for question: what do you mean for interface vnetxxxx ?
> Currently our path is :
> eno1 - eno2 ---- bond0 ----- bond.3500 (VLAN) ------ bridge ----- vm.
> Which one of these ?
> Moreover, reading Fabian statements about bonding limits, today I can try
to switch to a config without bonding.
"vm" is a complicated term.
`brctl show` would not show you a "vm" connected to a bridge. When you
WOULD see is a vnet888 tap device. The "other side" of this device is
held by qemu, which implement the VM.
Ok, understood and found it, vnet2
I'm asking if the dhcp offer has reached that tap device.
No, the DHCP offer packet do not reach the vnet2 interface, I can see only DHCP DISCOVER.
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