If iSCSI is the problem I think I will reinstall oVirt by choosing NFS for default storage
and not iSCSI.
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Latchezar Filtchev" <Latcho(a)aubg.bg>
Para: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel(a)btactic.com>, users(a)ovirt.org
Enviados: Martes, 27 de Noviembre 2012 10:50:22
Asunto: RE: [Users] Lvm vgs failed on allinone setup
I also had a problems with disappearing of iSCSI storage. This might
I was not able to solve my problem by manipulating
I reinstalled my test environment without LVM. Now after restart
iSCSI storage does not disappear.
Latchezar Filtchev
IT Manager
-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces(a)ovirt.org [mailto:users-bounces@ovirt.org] On
Behalf Of Adrian Gibanel
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 7:50 PM
To: users(a)ovirt.org
Subject: [Users] Lvm vgs failed on allinone setup
The main differences between my article and my setup are:
* I've downgraded ovirt-engine-sdk to 3.1 as suggested.
* I've selected ISCSI instead of NFS when running engine-setup and
answering to the: The default storage question. (I can change that
to NFS if needed, I think I used ISCSI because I had seen it in
another howto).
* Hacked all_in_one_100.py to increase waitForHostUp timeout (
So when I first install it I go to attach local storage to local
datacenter as described in 5th setp in
and everything seems to work fine.
My problem happens when I reboot. (I just rebooted to make sure
everything was setup fine.).
Then the local storage (named iso) isn't attached to the local
datacenter any more.
I've checked /var/log/messages and I've found what I think it's the
Nov 25 23:54:03 server vdsm Storage.LVM WARNING lvm vgs failed: 5 []
Volume group "e2e3cb9c-a664-4fda-be0c-428b239e7e66" not found']
Nov 25 23:54:03 server vdsm TaskManager.Task ERROR
Task=`e75609f0-7322-4845-9cfc-1fb18e0ad3fc`::Unexpected error
Nov 25 23:54:03 server vdsm Storage.Dispatcher.Protect ERROR
{'status': {'message': "Storage domain does not exist:
('e2e3cb9c-a664-4fda-be0c-428b239e7e66',)", 'code': 358}}
The place where I initially placed iso and storage was /home/iso and
/home/storage where /home was a normal ext4 partition.
In order to try to fix this problem and maybe increase oVirt
capabilites now /home is an ext4 partition but not a normal one but
mounted over an LV one.
As you can see the problem has not been fixed.
So I either need some help on how to fix this. I don't know.
* What's oVirt expecting when it searches a Volume group.
* What command is it trying to run?
* I've tried to search the script which might do the search but I've
been unable to find it.
* Does oVirt expect any special partitioning layout regarding lvm?
Thank you for any idea you could have.
Adrián Gibanel
Adrián Gibanel
I.T. Manager
+34 675 683 301
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