Hey all,
I'm looking to get a bit of guidance here. As the subject suggests, we have a
hosted-engine ovirt cluster. I ran into an issue trying to login to the web interface. I
was seeing errors about certificate expiration, although I didn't know what cert it
was referring to at the time. I ssh'd to the hosted-engine and restarted it. However,
once it shutdown, it was unable to start again.
What I've discovered so far is that the hosted-engine is currently residing on node 33
(storage is on a gluster volume) and the vdsm certificate for that node has expired. There
are three nodes in total, and two of them have expired certs. However, one of them has a
valid cert still. I'm able to run vdsm-client commands on that node. Although I
haven't done anything with that yet other than to verify that I'm able to do some
of the Host get* commands successfully. I'm wondering if it is possible to
"pull" the hosted-engine onto this host and fire it back up there.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm gathering log info etc as described and it will be available here:
Version info:
Installed Packages
1.0-1.el8 @extras
2-2.el8 @extras
8.6-2.el8 @centos-gluster8
ovirt-release44.noarch @@commandline
vdsm.x86_64 @ovirt-4.4