I have the latest 3.4 version and it works with FreeIPA. An earlier version
did not properly populate the users sections for adding users to Ovirt.
When I rebuilt with the latest 3.4 version, I did NOT join the Ovirt host
to the domain using ipa-join tools. I only joined it using the
engine-manage-domain tools.
2014-10-13 12:49 GMT-04:00 Marcelo Donato <donato(a)din.uem.br>:
oVirt 3.4 is not possible to integrate with IPA?
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James P. Kinney III
Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain
at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail.
It won't fatten the dog.
- Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain