I am experiencing the error message in the
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-ansible-create_target_vm log
{2020-05-06 14:15:30,024-0500 ERROR ansible failed {'status': 'FAILED',
'ansible_type': 'task', 'ansible_task': u"Fail if Engine IP
is different from engine's he_fqdn resolved IP", 'ansible_result':
u'type: <type \'dict\'>\nstr: {\'msg\': u"Engine VM IP
address is while the engine\'s he_fqdn
ovirt1-engine.kelleykars.org resolves to If you are using DHCP, check your DHCP reservation configuration",
\'changed\': False, \'_ansible_no_log\': False}',
'task_duration': 1, 'ansible_host': u'localhost',
The bug 1590266 says it should report the engine VM IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx while the
Engines he_fqdn is xxxxxxxxx
I need to see what it thins is wrong as both dig fqdn engine name and dig -x ip return the
correct information.
Now this bug looks like it may play but I don't see the failed rediness check in the
this log
or is it because the vm fails or dies or ???