Note that Gluster hasn't all the VSAN features yet so you will be able
to replicate data.
Also I personally think replica=3 is overkill and waste of space for mos
scenarios. 2 should be enough and give a raid 1 like.
On 31/01/2017 06:29, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
Le 31/01/2017 à 09:15, Anantha Raghava a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are trying to create a setup that uses the internal disks of the
> hosts / nodes, yet provide the high availability, replication and
> failover using oVirt. The setup we are typing to build is close to
> VMWare VSAN which allows for all the above just using the internal disks
> of the ESXi servers.
> Can we achieve something similar with oVirt with Gluster?
Absolutely. One of our oVirt setup is done this way.
Three hosts are set up as glusterFS servers (replica-3), as well as
oVirt nodes.
We choose to add a fourth host as an standalone engine, but you can
choose to use a VM for that (hyperconverge setup).
I have no experience on similar setup with a random number of nodes,
neither if this can be achievable (some kind of network RAID-10)... (?)