Hi Lukasz,
Please see my comments below
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 at 17:55, Łukasz Kołaciński <l.kolacinski(a)storware.eu>
Could you tell me more about this Error:* Failed to
RedefineVmCheckpointsVDS, error = General Exception: ('Property xml is
required',)*. It happened on creating incremental backup using ovirt sdk.
This error means that you have a checkpoint that was created during one of
your previous backups that missing the checkpoint XML in the DB, this XML
is needed in order to redefine the checkpoint on the host after the VM
This situation shouldn't happen if the the backup that created
checkpoint '6a569f20-f1e4-469a-8982-7f8cbfbbfc9e' was successful.
Did you enable the incremental backup feature before you took the first
backup for that VM?
# engine-config -s "IsIncrementalBackupSupported=true"
# systemctl restart ovirt-engine
Do you have the logs for the backup that created checkpoint
Can you please provide the content of the checkpoint from the DB?
*select * from vm_checkpoints where
How can I fix it? I know that is not because of wrong checkpointId
I tried to use wrong Id on other environment and logs are different.
In case of a problem when trying to redefine one of the checkpoints, a full
backup should be taken for the VM.
Logs from this event:
2020-12-03 08:07:27,020Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.StartVmBackupCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Running command:
StartVmBackupCommand internal: false. Entities affected : ID:
fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc Type: VMAction group BACKUP_DISK with
role type ADMIN, ID: 64fd8dd9-d16f-4359-a4b9-8435a5abd8ca Type: DiskAction
group BACKUP_DISK with role type ADMIN, ID:
794ffad6-1d1a-406a-a65e-c0600abb44f1 Type: DiskAction group BACKUP_DISK
with role type ADMIN
2020-12-03 08:07:27,020Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.StartVmBackupCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Creating VmBackup entity for VM
2020-12-03 08:07:27,034Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.StartVmBackupCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Created VmBackup entity
2020-12-03 08:07:27,034Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.StartVmBackupCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Redefine previous VM checkpoints for
VM 'fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc'
2020-12-03 08:07:27,045Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.RedefineVmCheckpointCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Running command:
RedefineVmCheckpointCommand internal: true. Entities affected : ID:
fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc Type: VMAction group BACKUP_DISK with
role type ADMIN, ID: 64fd8dd9-d16f-4359-a4b9-8435a5abd8ca Type: DiskAction
group BACKUP_DISK with role type ADMIN, ID:
794ffad6-1d1a-406a-a65e-c0600abb44f1 Type: DiskAction group BACKUP_DISK
with role type ADMIN
2020-12-03 08:07:27,048Z INFO
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] START,
ListVmCheckpointsVDSCommand(HostName =
vmId='fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc'}), log id: 55174e1c
2020-12-03 08:07:27,052Z INFO
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] FINISH,
ListVmCheckpointsVDSCommand, return:
[870b213b-4190-48fe-9306-5f6cb759b05a], log id: 55174e1c
2020-12-03 08:07:27,052Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.RedefineVmCheckpointCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Redefine VM
'fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc' checkpoint
2020-12-03 08:07:27,060Z INFO
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] START,
RedefineVmCheckpointsVDSCommand(HostName =
vmId='fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc'}), log id: 76a75d56
2020-12-03 08:07:27,069Z ERROR
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Failed in
'RedefineVmCheckpointsVDS' method
2020-12-03 08:07:27,077Z ERROR
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] EVENT_ID:
prd-ovirt-host-07.live.rot01.kwebbl.cloud command RedefineVmCheckpointsVDS
failed: General Exception: ('Property xml is required',)
2020-12-03 08:07:27,077Z ERROR
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Command
'RedefineVmCheckpointsVDSCommand(HostName =
vmId='fafb9627-a20b-47a0-aece-3b4a09ce70dc'})' execution failed:
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to RedefineVmCheckpointsVDS,
error = General Exception: ('Property xml is required',), code = 100
2020-12-03 08:07:27,080Z ERROR
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.RedefineVmCheckpointCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Command
'org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.RedefineVmCheckpointCommand' failed:
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to RedefineVmCheckpointsVDS,
error = General Exception: ('Property xml is required',), code = 100
(Failed with error GeneralException and code 100)
2020-12-03 08:07:27,089Z ERROR
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.RedefineVmCheckpointCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Transaction rolled-back for command
2020-12-03 08:07:27,090Z INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.RedefineVmCheckpointCommand] (default task-506)
[e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] Lock freed to object
2020-12-03 08:07:27,101Z ERROR
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] EVENT_ID:
backup abb3161b-13c5-444c-b656-11e79a474342 for VM prd-event-syslog-test2
failed. Full backup is now needed (User: admin@internal-authz).
Here you can see that the engine reports the checkpoint redefinition failed
and a full backup should be taken.
2020-12-03 08:07:27,120Z INFO
(default task-506) [e3b57751-64d4-4ec1-8dc2-a9586c41826a] EVENT_ID:
VM_BACKUP_STARTED(10,790), Backup abb3161b-13c5-444c-b656-11e79a474342 for
VM prd-event-syslog-test2 started (User: admin@internal-authz).
Łukasz Kołaciński
Junior Java Developer
e-mail: l.kolacinski(a)storware.eu
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