Hi there,
over the last months I've hunkered down to update my companies antiquated Ovirt 4.3.
To manage this in an orderly fashion we replicated the setup.
In the update process I always arrive at the same problem. Once I managed to solve it by
chance, but I cannot reproduce the solution.
The setup is Ovirt Engine running on a dedicated Centos-Stream-8 virtual machine managed
in VirtManager. The nodes are either OvirtNode 4.4 or 4.5. The problem exists on both.
Updating to 4.4 works without issue. Then, regardless whether I update by restoring to
Ovirt 4.5 or by updating the engine through the update path networks stop functioning and,
very peculiarly I get a very strange keymap in the vm console. It's no real keymap.
It's quertz, but # resolves as 3 and all kind of strange stuff. However, this can be
resolved on individual basis by setting the vm-console keymap to de (german). Connected
hosts and new hosts always dispaly "OVN connected: No".
The error log hints at some kind of ssl error. I either get dropping connections, or
protocol miss-matches in the node log. I deactivated Ovirt4.4-repositories on the engine
and did a distro-sync, because I found an old bug-report that implicated protocol
mismatched may result from unclean python-library versioning.
I reenrolled certificates, I reinstalled the host and still cannot get a connection:
Logs on host:
2023-12-19T11:27:14.245Z|00018|memory|INFO|6604 kB peak resident set size after 15.1
2023-12-19T11:29:34.483Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/ovn/ovn-controller.log
2023-12-19T11:29:34.513Z|00003|reconnect|INFO|unix:/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connected
2023-12-19T11:29:34.517Z|00004|main|INFO|OVN internal version is : [21.12.3-20.21.0-61.4]
2023-12-19T11:29:34.517Z|00005|main|INFO|OVS IDL reconnected, force recompute.
2023-12-19T11:29:34.573Z|00006|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
2023-12-19T11:29:34.573Z|00007|main|INFO|OVNSB IDL reconnected, force recompute.
2023-12-19T11:29:34.573Z|00008|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection attempt
failed (Connection refused)
2023-12-19T11:29:35.575Z|00009|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
2023-12-19T11:29:35.589Z|00010|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection attempt
failed (Connection refused)
2023-12-19T11:29:35.589Z|00011|reconnect|INFO|ssl: waiting 2 seconds before
2023-12-19T11:29:37.592Z|00012|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
2023-12-19T11:29:37.592Z|00013|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection attempt
failed (Connection refused)
2023-12-19T11:29:37.592Z|00014|reconnect|INFO|ssl: waiting 4 seconds before
2023-12-19T11:29:41.596Z|00015|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
2023-12-19T11:29:41.596Z|00016|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection attempt
failed (Connection refused)
2023-12-19T11:29:41.596Z|00017|reconnect|INFO|ssl: continuing to reconnect
in the background but suppressing further logging
2023-12-19T11:26:56.889Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file
2023-12-19T11:26:56.915Z|00002|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server (Open vSwitch) 2.15.8
2023-12-19T11:27:06.922Z|00003|memory|INFO|20624 kB peak resident set size after 10.0
2023-12-19T11:27:06.922Z|00004|memory|INFO|cells:128 monitors:5 sessions:3
2023-12-19T11:29:30.771Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file
2023-12-19T11:29:30.813Z|00002|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server (Open vSwitch) 2.15.8
2023-12-19T11:29:31.047Z|00003|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#0: receive error: Connection reset by
2023-12-19T11:29:31.047Z|00004|reconnect|WARN|unix#0: connection dropped (Connection reset
by peer)
2023-12-19T11:29:32.821Z|00005|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#2: receive error: Connection reset by
2023-12-19T11:29:32.821Z|00006|reconnect|WARN|unix#2: connection dropped (Connection reset
by peer)
2023-12-19T11:29:33.139Z|00007|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#4: receive error: Connection reset by
2023-12-19T11:29:33.139Z|00008|reconnect|WARN|unix#4: connection dropped (Connection reset
by peer)
2023-12-19T11:29:40.864Z|00009|memory|INFO|23108 kB peak resident set size after 10.1
2023-12-19T11:29:40.864Z|00010|memory|INFO|cells:128 monitors:4 sessions:3
Logs on engine:
2023-12-18T19:36:23.056Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/ovn/ovsdb-server-nb.log
2023-12-18T19:36:23.784Z|00002|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server (Open vSwitch) 2.15.8
2023-12-18T19:36:24.275Z|00003|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#0: receive error: Connection reset by
2023-12-18T19:36:24.276Z|00004|reconnect|WARN|unix#0: connection dropped (Connection reset
by peer)
2023-12-18T19:36:33.808Z|00005|memory|INFO|22528 kB peak resident set size after 10.8
2023-12-18T19:36:33.808Z|00006|memory|INFO|cells:99 monitors:2 sessions:1
/var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log (currently unable to start vms. normally not the case in
my tests but error message seems related)
2023-12-19 06:49:17,982-05 INFO
(EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-34) [43d1e22d]
EVENT_ID: PROVIDER_SYNCHRONIZATION_STARTED(223), Provider ovirt-provider-ovn
synchronization started.
2023-12-19 06:49:18,122-05 INFO
(EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-34) [43d1e22d]
EVENT_ID: PROVIDER_SYNCHRONIZATION_ENDED(224), Provider ovirt-provider-ovn synchronization
2023-12-19 06:49:18,122-05 ERROR
(EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-34) [43d1e22d]
Command 'org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.provider.network.SyncNetworkProviderCommand'
failed: EngineException: (Failed with error Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message and
code 5050)
When installing ovirt4.5 engine-setup always fails in pki-phase because no new root cert
is generated. I believe it ultimately say apache.ca is missing. This is also on a fresh
Centos-Stream-8 machine following official install instructions.
Please help. :)