This is currently what I got: CONSOLE is the path to the console.vv file just downloaded.
I have tested that logic with remote-viewer. So I know this is working at least. Now my
goal is to get spice-web-client to work as well. However I am not understanding yet
everything about the expectation of ovirt in regards to certificates, and authentication.
Any insight is welcome
awk 'NR == 19 ' $CONSOLE | sed 's/ca=//;s/\\n/\n/g' >$CAFILE
port=$(grep '^tls-port=' $CONSOLE | cut -f2 -d=)
host=$(head -10 $CONSOLE | grep '^host=' | cut -f2 -d=)
user=$(grep '^host-subject=' $CONSOLE | cut -f2- -d=)
password=$(grep '^password=' $CONSOLE | cut -f2- -d=)
/var/www/websockify/run 5959 --cert=/etc/letsencrypt/live/
--key=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ --ssl-only --verify-client --record
/tmp/websockify.log --cafile=${CAFILE} --auth-plugin=ClientCertCNAuth
--auth-source="${user} ${password}" ${host}:${port}