I have installed a 4.2 cluster on CentOS 7 nodes but I have follow an (old) procedure of
mine done with 4.0 : so, I have disabled Network Manager before installing oVirt.
The networks created and validated in the engine UI are :
ovirmgmt on bond0 (2 slaves) failover mode
storagemanager on bond1 (2 slaves), jumbo frames, aggregation mode, serving Gluster.
Today, I installed Cockpit on the node to have the nodes consoles. But it say that it
cannot manage the network without NM.
So my question is : is there any risk to re-enabled NM on the nodes ? Can it broke
anything done by the UI ?
Frank Soyer
Mob. 06 72 28 38 53 - Fix. 05 49 50 52 34
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