On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 3:16 PM <branimirp(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello list
I am wondering if anyone has tried this before? I am trying to consolidate
my lab to an oVirt cluster which consists of oVirt (4.3.8) and 2 KVM
hypervisors (CentOS 7.7.). Among other things, one of my efforts is a small
ESXi + vCenter lab. In addition, I have a standalone KVM hypervisor. I can
run nested ESXi 6.7 on top of the standalone KVM hypervisor (with nested
KVM enabled) without any problem. However, on top of oVirt-controlled KVMs
I have some issues. The hypervisors have nested kvm support enabled via
vdsm hooks. qemu emulates e1000 for a nested ESXi vm. ESXi installation
process goes smooth but as soon as I enable management network and restart
it, the nested ESXi cannot communicate with the outside world (DNS ping
cannot pass). Also https connection to VMWare ESXi web gui and ping to the
ESXi also fail. I noticed on my client machine, that ARP requests are
incomplete for ESXI as well. Within oVirt, I see no packet drops in
"Network interface" tab for the nested ESXi.
Can you compare the qemu-kvm command line between:
- the nested ESXi 6.7 on top of the standalone KVM hypervisor
- the nested ESXi 6.7 on top of oVirt based hypervisor
which OS version of the standalone KVM hypervisor?
which cpu for the KVM hypervisor
which oVirt version?
which cpu for the oVirt hypervisor?
did you use e1000 as the network interface type also in oVirt for the ESXi
6.7 VM?